Wednesday, October 30, 2019
To What Extent Did Ivan Vyshnegradsky and Sergei Witte Industrialize Essay
To What Extent Did Ivan Vyshnegradsky and Sergei Witte Industrialize 19thcentury Russia - Essay Example Others state that the minister intelligently participated in joint stock companies achieving his state of wealth. Born from parents of the priestly family, the minister graduated from college and thought mathematics and mechanics in a military institution. St Petersburg educational institution is where the minister lectured. Ivan rose to the position of state council in the year 1886. In the year 1887, he became finance minister of Russia. The minister pursued various policies and objectives. Some of his objective in the policies of the ministry increase government interfering with private railways. Some of these policies include the nationalization of the least performing railways. The other important activity of the minister was the preparation of monetary reforms (Alston 904). The other important policy sought by the ministry includes the settlement of the budget deficit. The ministry was also proactive in providing support to domestic industries in the country. When the name of Sergei Witte comes to discussion, various qualities of him take form. The man was a highly influential individual in policy making in Russian. Sergai was at the helm of the ministry during the first Russian revolution. As a minister during that period, the Russian minister saw the abolition of serfdom. The power of the minister was even higher with his relation with reign of Nicholas II. He devoted his life to the adherence of absolute Monarchy. The Minister had an approach to some moral qualities. On the other hand, the leader had a great wealth of wisdom. After his appointment to the ministry, Sergei became the most influential member of the government. His ministry had a positive inferential that is the reason he was successful. On the other hand, the minister implemented a number of reforms in the ministry of Finance. Some of his policies saw the transforming of the economy. The minister was able to transform the economy from a dropping level to a stable scale. The other
Monday, October 28, 2019
Dynamic Universe 1 Journal Essay Example for Free
Dynamic Universe 1 Journal Essay From the very beginning, the studying for the universe has been accompanied with numerous misconceptions and myths: from flat structure of the earth and earth-centered model of the universe to contemporary astrology and horoscopes. From the critical perspective, if the early explanations about the universe and our place in it could be explained due to known technological limitations of the ancients, modern astrology does not have any viable explanations. As Phil Plait argues on his website Badastronomy. com, modern astrology cannot be considered a science a priori and there are many reasons to make us support this statement. Unlike astronomy, which is based on universally developed methodologies, derived primarily from physics, chemistry, and mathematics, astronomy does not use any of them. The latter lacks even universally agreed method, as Phil Plait explains, some astrologists claim that â€Å"the moment of birth is important, others say its the month, etc†¦ but they all operate under a very broad working assumption: there is some sort of force from the heavens that influences us here on Earth. †Although during the development of the astronomy there have been various differences in theories and ideas, for instance Big Bang model, all of them were developed on the thorough scientific analysis of data and mathematical models coupled with specific methodologies. With some deviations, astrology can be compared to Sun worship practices during the ancient times. Naturally, Sun worship originated in agricultural areas due to the people’s heavy dependence of the sun light for the crop. If assessed critically, Sun worship has been a dominated religious practice. Wikipedia online encyclopedia indicates that Sun worship has been characteristic for Egyptian, Japanese and Nordic mythologies. Ancient Greeks also worshiped Helios, God of the Sun. Simultaneously, the list of solar deities provides even more evidence about the dominance of Sun worship during the early periods of ancient civilizations. Surprisingly, Smithbrad traces important connections of Sun worship and astronomical basis to the Christian religion, indicating both historical and scriptural evidence. For observers from the earth, the Sun and the Moon represent two most bright objects on the sky. However, from the critical perspective, these objects are not unique, not only by their form but also by the characteristics of their light. Practically, the story of star formation is a study in contradictions. It starts with atoms, molecules, and dust particles floating aimlessly in the dark and frigid depths of interstellar space. Out of the cold and empty expanses, gravity brings these scattered particles together to form stars. Over hundreds of millions of years, these gas and dust particles congregate into enormous clouds that can span hundreds of light-years. The two lightest elements hydrogen and helium dominate these clouds, accounting for about 92 percent and eight percent of the atoms, respectively (NASA, 2005). Dust grains account for about one percent of a clouds total mass. Astronomers call these clouds giant molecular clouds because they also contain trace amounts of molecules such as water, alcohol, ammonia, and various carbon-based organic compounds, which represent raw components of life. All in all, the clouds contain enough material to form tens of thousands of new stars. Magnetic fields and the random motions of gas molecules prevent the cloud from collapsing under its own weight. The various gas and dust particles jostle about, but eventually, enough mass congregates in one region to initiate gravitational collapse in a small portion of the cloud. Astronomers once thought that cloud collapse was usually triggered by external disturbances, such as supernova shock waves or stellar winds. Nowadays, however, most astronomers think that cloud collapse usually happens on its own, although triggering mechanisms can still play an important role (NASA,2005). Over the course of several millennia, a collapsing gas cloud fragments into tens to thousands of relatively dense, rotating clumps of gas that will ultimately form newborn stars. Emission and reflection nebulae are abundant in the universe, though not observed with the naked eye. Practically, emission nebulae, â€Å"cloud of gas and dust floating in space,†emit their own light, due to the presence of ultraviolet radiation coming from the hot star or star clusters stars (Nebulae, 2005). The very hot star emits highly energetic radiation of the invisible part of the electro-magnetic spectrum, and the emission nebula re-emits the radiation in the visible light (M42, 2005). Unlike the reflection nebulae, in the emission nebulae the atoms of the dust are energized by the radiation (ultraviolet) and start emitting (not reflecting) their own radiation as atoms fall back into lower energy states. This process of the radiation emission can be compared to the Sun, with the only deviation that the latter emits radiation and light due to the processes which occur in the Sun’s core without any impact from the outside object. Simultaneously, reflection nebulae reflect the light coming from the star or star cluster. This process can be compared to the Moon, as it also reflects the light coming from the Sun, not emitting its own radiation. From its own origin when being formulated by Lemaà ¾tre and proved by Hubble, the Big Bang theory evidenced many contributions, objections and simplifications. The Hubble Law states that galaxies in every direction are distancing away from us with speeds proportional to their distance. The major contribution to the Big Bang theory has been made with the data obtained from satellites COBE and WMAP, and the Hubble Space Telescope. The data allowed scientists to formulate the statement that the universe has been formed 14 billion years ago in a hot, dense, event known as the â€Å"Big Bang. †Practically, what the theory of â€Å"Big Bang†provides is the explanation of nature and major characteristics of the universe. There is no edge or boundaries in the universe. The expansion of the universe is occurring at all points simultaneously. Therefore, as Richard Powell explains the most of 350 billion galaxies which contains the universe are moving away from one another. However, it does not necessarily mean that the Earth or our galaxy is moving. As it is known, galaxies are distributed not universally. The systems similar to our Solar System and the Milky Way are formed from under the gravity and thus are restrained from moving apart. However, 350 billion galaxies and 3. 5 trillion dwarf galaxies in the universe are collected into vast sheets, clusters and superclusters of galaxies surrounding large voids. Bibliography Phil Plait. Astrology, available at http://www. badastronomy. com/bad/misc/astrology. html Accessed Oct 3, 2005 The resource is dedicated to various misconceptions in the astronomy, including numerous myths and beliefs, like astrology, pseudoscience and science portrayal in contemporary movie industry. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. â€Å"Solar Deity†available http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Solar_deity Accessed Oct 3, 2005 World Largest Open Encyclopedia, which offers explanations on various issues, including the astronomy and related subjects. Though not cited, this resource http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Big_Bang#Hubble. 27s_law_expansion became very useful for the journal preparation. Smithbrad â€Å"Sun Worship†Available http://smithbrad. nventure. com/sunworship. htm Accessed Oct 3, 2005 Resource aims to provide connections between Christian faith and practices with the Sun worship tradition as the most ancient tradition among all religions. The resource provides both scientific and scriptural evidence for its statements. â€Å"Nebulae†Available http://www. seasky. org/cosmic/sky7a05. html Accessed Oct 3, 2005 Web resource is dedicated primarily for concise and practical explanations of astronomical terms and phenomena. It offers graphic and photo illustrations to explains various issues in the astronomical science. NASA. â€Å"Imagine the Universe†Available http://imagine. gsfc. nasa. gov This resource provides information for star life cycle patterns, which was useful for conducting the journal, particularly on the questions on emission and reflection nebulae. â€Å"M42†Available http://www. seds. org/messier/m/m042. html Accessed Oct 3, 2005 The resource is a part of the Messier Catalog. It became useful for the journal discussion on reflection and emission nebulae, offering photo illustrations and discovery history of Orion Nebula, also known as M42 Richard Powell â€Å"Atlas of the Universe†Available http://anzwers. org/free/universe Accessed Oct 3, 2005 It is the most useful resource for general explanation of the Big Bang theory, providing graphical illustrations of its major concepts and problematic moments. Maps compiled by Mr. Powell has been used for journal explanations and references.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Comparing Wealth, Power, and Virtue in Measure for Measure and Mrs. Warrens Profession :: comparison compare contrast essays
Wealth, Power, and Virtue in Measure for Measure and Mrs. Warren’s Profession   As seen in the dramas Measure for Measure and Mrs. Warren’s Profession, the Elizabethan and Victorian periods have different views of wealth, power and virtue. To compare these views, one should start by defining the different views of virtue. The people of the Elizabethan times see virtue in obtaining a balance of their three souls and as promoting order within their society and city. Also in this period of time, wealth and power were rarely gained, but when they were, it was due to virtue. Conversely, in Mrs. Warren’s Profession, virtue is interpreted as a person trying to change how the poor were treated by the industrialists; and this could only be done when a person already had wealth or power.             In Measure for Measure, Isabella starts off seeming to be a very virtuous person: she is entering a very strict nunnery and living a purely rational and sinless life. As the play goes on she chooses to keep her virtue by not sleeping with Angelo. However, we start to see her virtue come into question when she coldly and with no compassion tells her brother Claudio to "Die Quickly!" (III, i, 135) This shows that she is not using her emotional soul. But, at the end of the play, Isabella shows that she has the ability to utilize her emotional soul when she forgives Angelo; at the same time proving she has a balanced soul. From this action, the Duke realizes that Isabella is truly virtuous and then, because of this, asks her to marry him (V, i, 530). We can clearly see that Isabella is rewarded for her virtuous actions at the conclusion of Measure to Measure. This positive conclusion demonstrates the Elizabethan society's tendency to prize virtue as achieved through a balanced soul.             Isabella is not only seen to be virtuous because of her balanced soul, she would have also been seen as virtuous because her actions to preserve order in Vienna. At the beginning of Measure for Measure, the Duke goes into
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Library system Essay
Introduction The world of Information Technology transformed and made the life of human beings easier through the innovation of different machines and software applications. Faster and reliable sources have been offered by search engines which are all over the web. But even though this is the case, many schools and universities are still requiring their students to use library materials in their researches and school works. From the statement of purpose, the compute’rized library system: meeting information needs of the people of Saint Michael College of Caraga, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte. Our proposed system, the Saint Michael College of Caraga Library Management System, is a system wherein there is no need of manual library transactions. This will carry out different processes such as searching books, keep records of the books, borrowing of books and return of books. Hence, at present, Saint Michael College of Caraga is maintaining the School Library in a manual basis. Handling bulky records in a manual method is very difficult. And the process of updating could not be done easily and accurately. Likewise, a manual procedure of handling bulky record is very slow and is prone to manual errors. Consequently, it is proposed that Saint Michael College of Caraga shall maintain an electronic data base management system (DBMS) for the purpose of maintaining the records of the School Library for easy, fast and accurate processing and maintenance of these records that will enhance management decisions and for the improvement of its services to all the stakeholders of Saint Michael College of Caraga. Library is regarded as the brain of any institute; many institutes understand the importance of the library to the growth of the institute and their esteem users (students). Library Management System of Saint Michael College of Caraga supports the general requirement of the library like acquisition, cataloguing, circulation that offers many flexible and convenient features, allowing librarians and library users to maximize time and efficiency. Library System gives the all detailed information about students, staff and books. It will track on the how many books available in library and books issued to the students. It shows popular book among the students. It will provide book lost in library. It keeps the record of the suppliers and book binders. It generates MIS reports for management. Our software is customizable for any library requirement. In this chapter we take opportunity to consider changes in the library services, not in terms of minor, short term change in equilibrium of the sort just noted above, but in longer term. There has been continuing concern about the future of the libraries. Given the extent to which the provision used and the libraries are influenced by the social environment, and given possibilities by the use of new information technology; it would be unreasonable to expect libraries to remain static. But if not, what would be the nature of the change? The issue is not whether there is a change but what will be the change. If we are to make a claim to understand the nature of library services, the surely we ought to have notions, some forecasts, about how library system might change. Purpose and Description In setting up a library, one aspect that should be considered, what are the resources the library has and what are the ways to provide a better service to the students? Well, one of the easiest ways is having a system to organize all the transactions in the library. A library system is software that will handle basic and systematic organization of function in the library. The system would provide basic set of features to add/update student’s information, add/update books information, search for books and manage check-in/check-out processes. In this application we can maintain the records of students and books and enable to determine how many books are issued and likewise determine the available books in the library. The proposed library system will greatly improve the efficiency of the school library. This study has the following hypothesis: The profiles of the respondents taken are their names, Student ID Number, Year and Course, and Title and Author of the Book Borrowed. The manual system is very time consuming, inconvenient when it comes to recording, organizing and retrieving borrower’s record in the log book. There are few solutions but many a times, we â€Å"making them works†by finding â€Å"ways to work around†system inadequacies. Moreover we have limited staff resources, these â€Å"work around†waste time, effort, and skills that should be spent on user services. solutions do not keep up with the technological changes and hence prove to be time wasters. Library Management system is a small footprint software suitable for personal /individual Libraries. You can store the information about the books and other material and control the movement of the same. Silent Features †¢ Control the movement of books and other material and avoid losing the same. †¢ Search if you have a specific book in your collection based on t he title, author etc. †¢ Print the spine labels for the book. †¢ Find what a specific person has borrowed from you. Objectives The main objective of the application is to automate the existing system of manually maintain the records of the Book Issue, Book Return from the student, Stock Maintenance, and Book Search to be computerized. And to develop a database which stores user details and book details, give reliable search facility for the user, create an easy to understand user friendly environment. So the Book Issue, Return, Searching will be faster. This application can be used by any Library to automate the process of manually maintaining the records related to the subject of maintaining the stock and Book Issues. The general objective of this study is to design and develop a library system that will serve as a proposal to help librarians save time with the automation of its daily operation. Specific Objectives: †¢To computerize records keeping of books; †¢To allow librarians to retrieve complete information of the book and its borrowers. †¢To check the availability of the books and penalties. †¢To search, issue and return of books. †¢It can only be utilized by the librarian Scope and Limitation The study only focuses on the Information Technology Library Management System of Saint Michael College of Caraga. Without computers, as some libraries are, all of them are dependent on paper work. When compared to computerized systems, data backup and data retrieval systems are inefficient and labor intensive. Users of a paper based system become almost wholly reliant on the librarians, for all levels of service, whether they are enquiries about existing books, inter-library loans, or the availability of books. There is additionally no real involvement of a user in the entire process. The transactions that the system accommodates are the attendance of every student that enter the library, book registration and deletion, updating book information and searching thesis references, Borrowing of books, and keeping the record of transaction. Review of Related Literature This chapter contains the relevant outline of literatures related to the study of Library system. This study composed of programming languages, Database and Graphical User Interface (GUI) that is used in the system. This system would be used by members who may be students or professors of that University to check the availability of the books and borrow the books using automated device, and by the librarian to update the databases. Thepurposeofthisdocumentistoanalyzeandelaborateonthehigh-levelneedsand features of the Library Management System. It focuses on the capabilities and facilities provided by a Library. The details of what all are the needs of the Library Management System and if it fulfils these needs are detailed in the use-case and supplementary specifications. Automated book monitoring system helps to reduce the effect of entering the wrong quantity and the amount of staff time devoted to repetitive activities. Related Studies According to ACRL (1994) suggested that institution should be prepared to utilized new technologies for accessing information as they are developed. This is why operating the library operations is quite a welcome idea. According to Jeff Kaplan (05/08/2007 A new generation of automated network management software and services is helping in-house staff address this challenge. These let network professionals establish regular patch-management procedures to safeguard against escalating security threats; and create system monitoring routines to identify load imbalances, which could cause service disruptions or performance problems. They also discover, inventory and track assets to make sure that hardware and software licenses are up-to-date and that problems can be resolved faster. According to Voustin Sweere (Aug. 2001) Nowadays every book keeping system used in practice is automated. Most book keeping software an integrated information system are based on database. In this paper, we develop a conceptual book keeping model which is not based on manual techniques, but which is applicable in database environment. Technical Background In this chapter, it provides an overview of all the overall system design, features and functionalities. The system is design to implement a computerize library management system in Saint Michael College of Caraga. This system consists of one user, the administrator. The administrator can access the system by having first the login security which they have to input his/her user name and password. Once the inputted username and password did not match, the required/registered information it displays â€Å"Invalid Username and Password†. If the username and password match the registered information, the next form will display depending on the role of the administrator.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Are Video Games Good for Kids? Essay
Are video games bad for kids? Back in time in mid 90’s the best source of entertainment for kids was the television that have a great variety of cartoons for the kids to have good entertainment and learn good things. But now they have video games that right now are the top selling industry in the world according to Barbara Ortutay of MSNBC online â€Å"the selling of video games on July of this year went to $1. 19 billion with a 17 percent more than last year. But the only concern for the society is that kids are getting to much access to violent games and that makes the video games bad for them. As said by David Walsh, Ph. D. National Institute on Media and the Family he said in this report that â€Å"Children are more likely to imitate the actions of a character with whom they identify. In violent video games the player is often required to take the point of view of the shooter or perpetrator. Video games by their very nature require active participation rather than passive observation. Repetition increases learning. Video games involve a great deal of repetition. If the games are violent, then the effect is a behavioral rehearsal for violent activity. †He also said that â€Å"Exposure to violent games increases physiological arousal, increases aggressive thoughts, increases aggressive emotions and increases aggressive actions. †Video games should not be at the reach of any kid because more all less they all involve violence like for example Mario games that all of them involve killing enemies for success, or crash bandicoot that have the same type of game experience as Mario. Naturally there are always people that do not think the same way like ABC news. com that make a report of social critic Steven Johnson, author of the controversial new book, â€Å"Everything Bad Is Good for You. â€Å"he argues that video games  violent or not  are making children smarter. â€Å"You have to manage multiple objectives at the same time,†he said. â€Å"You have to manage all these different resources, and you have to make decisions every second of the game. †Video games typically require the player to complete a number of specific tasks to win. â€Å"Well we have to get the Jeep, we have to ride up a hill, kill the snipers, drive past the mountainside, go into another giant palace and activate the remote,†said one 10-year-old interviewed by ABC News while playing the Halo 2 video game, designed for the Microsoft Xbox gaming system. But children should not be exposed to that type of learning because they are going to be more aggressive and â€Å"less positive people toward life†according to David Walsh. ABC also site from Johnson that â€Å"Children who play such video games exhibit what experts call â€Å"fluid intelligence,†or problem solving. †â€Å"They have to discover the rules of the game and how to think strategically,†said James Paul Gee, a University of Wisconsin-Madison curriculum and instruction professor. â€Å"Like any problem solving that is good for your head, it makes you smarter. †â€Å"Intelligence test scores in the United States are rising faster than ever, experts say. One possible reason: Studies show video games make people more perceptive, training their brains to analyze things faster. †But the truth based on studies is that â€Å"Studies measuring cognitive responses to playing violent video games have shown that violent games increase aggressive thoughts. These findings have been found for males and females, children and adults, and in experimental and correlational studies. †Said David Walsh on his report. In conclusion violent video games should be restricted for kids in all the way possible because they will develop more aggressive actions, less caring and aggressive emotions in comparison with regular games that also have that responses and that also should be avoided for the raising of a kid. People can say that the help to problem solving and to fast response to other thing but the truth is that the make more damage than a helping. Works Cited Walsh, David. â€Å"Video Game Violence and Public Policy†culturalpolicy. edu. 2001. September 30, 2008. http://culturalpolicy. uchicago. edu/conf2001/papers/walsh. html. Ortutay, Barbara. â€Å"July video game sales jump 28 percent†MSNBC. com. August 14, 2008. September 30, 2008. http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/26208654/ Argumentative essay Angel Bello 802-08-0724 October 1,2008.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Essential Facts About the South Carolina Colony
Essential Facts About the South Carolina Colony The South Carolina Colony was founded by the British in 1663 and was one of the 13 original colonies. It was founded by eight nobles with a Royal Charter from King Charles II and was part of the group of Southern Colonies, along with the North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Maryland. South Carolina became one of the wealthiest early colonies largely due to exports of cotton, rice, tobacco, and indigo dye. Much of the colonys economy was dependent upon slave labor that supported large land operations similar to plantations.  Early Settlement The British were not the first to attempt to colonize land in South Carolina. In the middle of the 16th century, first the French and then the Spanish tried to establish settlements on the coastal land. The French settlement of Charlsefort, now Parris Island, was established by French soldiers in 1562, but the effort lasted less than a year. In 1566, the Spanish established the settlement of Santa Elena in a nearby location. This lasted about 10 years before it was abandoned, following attacks by local Native Americans. While the town was later rebuilt, the Spanish devoted more resources to settlements in Florida, leaving the South Carolina coast ripe for the picking by British settlers. The English established Albemarle Point in 1670 and moved the colony to Charles Town (now Charleston) in 1680. Slavery and the South Carolina Economy Many of the early settlers of South Carolina came from the island of Barbados, in the Caribbean, bringing with them the plantation system common in the West Indies colonies. Under this system, large areas of land were privately owned, and most of the farm labor was provided by slaves. South Carolina landowners initially acquired slaves through trade with the West Indies, but once Charles Town was established as a major port, slaves were imported directly from Africa. The great demand for slave labor under the plantation system created a significant slave population in South Carolina. By the 1700s, the population of slaves nearly doubled the white population, according to many estimates. South Carolinas slave trade was not limited to African slaves. It was also one of the few colonies to engage in the trade of American Indian slaves. In this case, slaves were not imported into South Carolina but rather exported to the British West Indies and other British colonies. This trade began in about 1680 and continued for nearly four decades until the Yamasee War led to peace negotiations that helped end the ​trade activity. North and South Carolina The South Carolina and North Carolina colonies originally were part of one colony called the Carolina Colony. The colony was set up as a proprietary settlement and governed by a group known as Carolinas Lords Proprietors. But unrest with the native population and fear of slave rebellion led white settlers to seek protection from the English crown. As a result, the colony became a royal colony in 1729 and was divided into the colonies of South Carolina and North Carolina.
Monday, October 21, 2019
What is a Motif †Definition and 10 Must-Know Examples
What is a Motif s What is a Motif? Definition and 10 Concrete Examples from Literature Let's just admit it: â€Å"What is a motif and how do you use it?†is a much less sexy question to ask than, â€Å"What’s your book about?†But it’s just as necessary. If the theme of a book is its heartbeat, then motifs in literature are the vessels that keep the blood coursing through the narrative. Among other things, motifs add depth to your writing and steer readers toward your book’s central message (assisted by other strong literary devices).In this post, we’ll look at what a motif is (and what it is not), examine motif examples in action, and explore how you can incorporate motifs into your own writing.What is a motif?A motif is a recurring narrative element with symbolic significance. If you spot a symbol, concept, or plot structure that surfaces repeatedly in the text, you’re probably dealing with a motif. Motifs must be related to the central idea of the work and they always end up reinforcing the author’s overal l message.But how can you tell which ones are motifs? Remember that you must be able to connect a motif to the "big ideas" in a book. Just because the narrator mentions a particular pair of shoes a few times, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a motif - unless the author makes a point of tying it to a bigger question of, let’s say, escape and freedom. (Don’t worry - we’ll provide more concrete motif examples in a bit!)Since they’re repeated throughout a text, motifs are also very traceable. As you're trying to figure out the motifs of a given work, it might be useful to think of them as having a trail of purposeful clues. The author plants these breadcrumbs so that the reader can better work out the ideas behind the work - and its overarching point.That brings up our next question: how do motifs relate to themes? Luckily, we've got the answer for you right here!Motifs support a book's theme How to Create a Character Profile: the Ultimate Guide (with Template) Read post If you need help developing your characters to that point, here are some character development exercises and a free character profile template for your personal use.Option 3: FreewriteIf you’re itching to nail down your motifs before you start writing, but aren’t feeling inspired, consider freewriting. This is the practice of writing down all of your thoughts without stopping for a certain period of time - usually between 10-20 minutes.To tease out your motif, try to start off by freewriting about your theme. When you’re done, go back and see what ideas or symbols surface repeatedly in the exercises. You might be surprised at what your mind produces when the block of self-editing is removed!4. Know that motifs are here to help, not hinderLike themes, motifs are there to help you write your book (and help readers understand them)! If you let them, motifs will add a valuable layer of depth to your story. So don't be afraid of them - let the motifs come to you nat urally as you're writing or planning. You'll find that your themes will thank you for it.How do you approach motifs in your stories? Do you have any more questions or thoughts on the subject? Leave them in the comments below!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Is The Use Of Animals For Research Purposes Justified
Is The Use Of Animals For Research Purposes Justified Ethical Issues about the Use of Animals for Experiments Animals have been in use for experimentation for a long time especially in the medical field where it has enabled scientists to discover and gain knowledge and understanding of the biological processes as to improvement the quality of human life. Despite the wide use of animal experimentation in scientific fields, it has become an ethical issue that has pitted the pro-experimentation and against the animal rights activists that have been strongly challenging not only the legality of the continued use of animals for experiments but also the ethics behind it. This paper presents different arguments for and against the use of animals for research purposes. The population of animals has been dropping drastically worldwide in the recent times. A report by Jarrod in 2010 shows that the chimpanzees population has dropped from 2 million to just about 150,000 in the recent years. The same applies to the population of rabbits that has dropped from over 3 billion to just about 1.5 million today. The use of an animal for scientific research has been cited as a major reason for the dramatic decline in these animals population and those of other animals, such as rats, pigs, sharks, and dogs among others. In the US, animals are widely used in scientific research, especially in testing products consumed by humans, as well as the effectiveness of certain drugs. Want to learn more? Go here: Torture Is Never Justified How to Write a Case Study? The Internet Has Been Overly Commercialized Is Science Atheistic? Legalization of Marijuana Issue Animal Testing is Required by the Law Despite the growing trend in the use of animals for scientific research, there has been a growing debate from different quarters of the American society with one side in support and the other in opposition. Supporters of the use of animals for experiments argue that the use of animals for scientific research is a good thing because it enables the scientists to discover some of the useful information about products and drugs that help in advancing the quality of life of animals and humans. Proponents of experimentation maintain that animals such as chimpanzees, mice and cows have 99.4%, 99% and 90% genes similar to those of humans respectively. As such, using these animals that have the same organs and nerve system is useful in making discoveries on things such as drugs and how effective or dangerous they can be on humans before permitting them for humans. They cite the US laws requiring that all prescription drugs be tested on animals before they can be allowed for sale in the market . This way, any danger with the prescription drug is detected in the animals and avoided for use in the humans because the life of a human is more valuable than that of an animal. Secondly, proponents of the use of animals for experimentation argue that animals have no rights as human beings. They maintain that unlike humans that have the ability to reason, animals have no right. Therefore, animals cannot make a moral claim or defend themselves in an intelligent manner. Additionally, proponents of the use of animals for experimentation maintain that because animals do not have respect for humans rights, there is nothing wrong with using them for experimentation purposes. Experimentation Helps to Discover Medicines for Animals Thirdly, those in support of the use of animals for experimentation maintain that the use of animals for experimentation has resulted in the discovery of better veterinary medicines and improved welfare of animals. They speak about the heartworm a drug that was discovered out of research conducted on animals and has since proved useful in helping save the lives of many dogs across the globe. Besides, they cite that animal research has resulted in the better understanding of nutrition for cats and the reasons why cats live much longer than other animals and maintain good health. Additionally, proponents of the animal research argue that man has dominion over all other creatures. As such, man has control over animals and can do research with them. They cite Genesis chapter 1:28, where after God has created everything and blessed them, God instructed man to be fruitful and multiply, as well as have dominion over all animals of land, air, and sea. Testing Causes Animals Pain and Suffering Despite the strong arguments in favor of animal research, animal activists have strongly opposed the continued use of animals for scientific research arguing that it causes a lot of pain and suffering to animals. As such, because the suffering caused to animals is so high, there is no justification for the benefits to humans. Secondly, animal rights activists have strongly opposed animal experimentation arguing that there has not been any proof of the benefits to human. Jarrod 2010 research, for instance, found that the research conducted on chimpanzees in an attempt to try to discover the medication for HIV did not provide any result despite the claim that chimpanzees share about 99.4% of DNA with humans. Unlike humans, chimpanzees do not develop AIDS after getting infected with HIV. Other opponents of animal research also argue that even other animals that share similar DNA features with humans do not provide reliable test because they might not react in the same way as humans would. As such, it is wrong to continue subjecting animals to pain and suffering in the name of science. In conclusion, animal use for research is a common practice all over the world. However, this practice is raising ethical issues that need to be addressed soberly. Experiments should not be conducted in the manner that causes a lot of harm and suffering to animals.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Is Neoliberalism in crisis today Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Is Neoliberalism in crisis today - Essay Example In other words, a change towards a neo-liberalized world is taking place. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher had adopted such an approach much earlier as a means to economic growth and welfare of the citizens. But recent events like the global recession have brought about doubts regarding the long term effects of neo-liberalism. This paper looks at the impact of neo-liberalization with regard to organizational change at the macro and micro levels in the world today. It will review whether this concept is relevant and whether its future as a saviour of mankind is in peril. The paper will first review the concept of organizational change at micro and micro levels. It will then discuss the concept of neo-liberalism and then review its impact on organizational change. Change in organizations has been studied seriously by many authorities from diverse fields such as management, psychology, anthropology and sociology. Prominent among them are Kurt Lewin and John Kotter. This is what authors from the field of management have to say about the two authorities mentioned above. Richard Swanson, a noted authority on human resources development says that â€Å"The classic metatheory of change is Kurt Lewin’s (1951) field theory. This theory remains at the core of most change theories†(Swanson & Holton 2001, p. 137). About Kotter, authors George Manning and Kent Curtis has this to say - â€Å"There are many models for understanding organizational change. One of the best is an eight-stage process provided by John Kotter of Harvard University†(Manning & Curtis 2002, p. 281). These two theories apart from those propounded by others form a framework for implementing organizational change. But what is important in this context is the impact of neo-liberalism on organizational change. As mentioned earlier, the business world is changing
Proposal for change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Proposal for change - Essay Example The communication could be verbal or nonverbal like by the use of expressions or jesters etc. The discussion among the nurses and the patients is conducted usually in a very hectic atmosphere; both the patients and nurses are in an urgency as a result of which unwanted issues may arise. The directions are often delivered to the patients on the phones rather than face to face. In the cases of emergency the communication skills gain very high importance as the decision about the procedure has to be made immediately but sometimes the patient nurse interaction is delayed too much as a result of which serious consequences could be faced. In order to avoid the problems in communication some strategies have been discussed in this paper. One technique to attain this objective is by the use of strategies which are being used by other industries and have been very effective like team resource management. It is a training course which has been designed by the aviation business. It emphasizes on combined decision making and team oriented approaches. The most excellent patient care can be provided when the nurses are accessible at all times. By the use of equipments like background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR), it is guaranteed that the delivered messages are very clear and not ambiguous in any kind of stressful situation (Leonard, Graham & Bonacum, 2004). U-nursing is also very effective in improving the patient nurse communication. The SWOT analysis is also given in the proposal. The above mentioned plans could be implemented easily. Some are not time consuming like changing the behavior and attitude of the nurses however some of them needs time like installation of wireless equipments. If the nurses lack the skills for good communication the above mentioned tasks becomes really difficult to handle. In order to deal with patients who have diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds and having different levels of knowledge, communication becomes a big challenge to the h ealth care providers. Health care providers especially the nurses have always been very keen to advance the communication skills so that they can progress to better patients care services. In nursing, a heavy amount of information has to be provided and received in a narrow time period. In order to do this perfectly and smoothly the communication settings, history experiences and individual opinion of the people must be considered very deeply. So the communication enhancements mentioned above will prove to be very successful. From this study we have come to know that when you move toward alteration with a patient-centered attitude, the finest decisions are obvious. Table of Contents Executive summary 2 Introduction 4 Analysis of change needed 5 SWOT Analysis: 7 Strengths: 7 Weaknesses: 7 Opportunities: 8 Threats: 8 Plan of Action 8 Evaluation strategy 9 Conclusion 10 Bibliography 10 Connelly, L. M., Yoder, L. H. & Miner-Williams, D. (2003). A Qualitative Study of Charge Nurse Compet encies. MEDSURG Nursing, 12 (5), pp.298-306. 10 Introduction Communication means relocation of the information amongst the people. The nursing job involves continuous communication between the patients, their relatives and the nurses. The chances of miscommunication in this profession are very high which can lead to serious consequences. For nurses it is really important that they should be aware of key communicating process and the height to
Friday, October 18, 2019
Discusiions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Discusiions - Case Study Example Upon voting, a successful bill turns into a House Act and sent to the Senate for further consideration. Similar processes are followed in the Senate by referring the bill to the finance committee for further analysis. Upon agreement of the bill by both houses, it is then passed to the president for approval. Once the law is enacted, the IRS undertakes implementation. The most important phase of the whole process is the enforcement stages as many taxpayers endeavor in tax evasion. For example, excise duty imposed on alcoholic beverages is realized after it is enforced. As such, the Tax and Trade Bureau is responsible for enforcing the tax law; hence, it being of importance in terms of revenue collection by the treasury. In addition, the importance of excise duty on imports is only as effective at its enforcement. At this stage, the reduction of imports makes it evident that the tax law is efficient. The sole purpose of IRS is investigating any loopholes that taxpayers exploit to avoid tax payment. Therefore, in defending my client against tax audit it is necessary to ensure that the client maintains adequate records to ensure the client avoids additional tax, penalties and interest. IRS agents usually check for an error in the supporting documents rather than line-by-line in-depth examination of returns. An example, professional real estate investors have a right to claim write offs and losses while a normal investor has no right. Therefore, if an individual claims to be conversant with such investments but his investments do not fall within the range that is of professional, the IRS agents claim for an additional substantiation of the status. Therefore ensuring that the client has his perspective constant and clear is fundamental in dealing with IRS
Minority kids with alcohol addicition Research Paper
Minority kids with alcohol addicition - Research Paper Example The problem has grown worse as the adolescent population too has been fascinated by the trend. Alcohol as a part of party or as a part of ‘growing up’, ends up being an addiction and the person becomes a nuisance to his loved ones as well as the society. What starts as an experiment of trying something new, at times ends up in severe addiction of alcohol. Addiction is the condition when the person feels adverse effects if not provided with the substance he is addicted to. Alcohol addiction is serious because alcohol is one of the most easily available drugs. Unlike other drugs like cocaine, alcohol is much more reachable. The youngsters, who fall below the legal age for alcohol consumption, find it easily accessible and not to forget that it is also available in the homes where adults drink it. In fact the first experiment of adolescents with alcohol begins at home only. It will also be discussed in the report how the advertisement of alcohol target the youth and how the se advertisements are more common in the localities where the minority groups are found in excess. My study aims to understand the causes of alcohol addiction among adolescents particularly among the minority group. These underage users of alcohol mostly become the main target of alcohol advertisements considering they are more prone to addiction to drugs. I am going to study the cultural influences on the kids that affect their behavior towards alcohol and the factors that lead to a sustained alcohol addiction. This study compares the findings from other studies and tries to come to a conclusion about the effect of kids belonging to a minority group and their habitual alcohol drinking. According to a report by the Office of Applied Studies (2007), 8000 adolescents on an average, aged from 12 to 17, drank alcohol for the first time. This increase in consumption is a concern as alcohol addiction has usually been directly linked to the occasional consumption in the above mentioned age
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The impact of increasing environmental concerns on the operation of Essay
The impact of increasing environmental concerns on the operation of aircraft and the aircraft maintenance industry - Essay Example Noise pollution affects the people the most, the major side affect of the problem among a number of other aircraft operations and maintenance problems, compelling governments to reconsider the cost of mobility, economic growth and safety of their people. Airport expansion plans have suffered a set back because of increasing environmental impact on air quality, water quality and community noise (Waitz et al., 2004). Discussion Airport operations that affect environment include a number of functions such as the operation of aircraft, maintenance of airport and passenger vehicles and airport ground service equipment (GSE), cleaning and maintenance function, deicing and anti-icing of aircraft and airfields, fuelling and fuel storage of aircraft and other ground transport besides airport facility maintenance functions and airport construction (Luther, 2007). Airport authorities must consent to enforce environmental mitigation initiatives before asking permission for expansion of the airpo rt from the local and state bodies. Community concern has shelved many expansion projects because of issues related to environment. Aviation related environment regulations have been in force from many years but these regulatory compliance issues have become very touchy to be implemented because of ever-increasing air travel. With the addition of new compliance needs airport operations have got transformed with huge investment needed and change in operation processes. Certain crucial issues have emerged due to noise pollution, changes in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations concerning aircraft and airfield deicing operations, changes to EPA regulations on oil spill preventive measures and state and local agency directives to inspect and manage air pollution, particularly harmful air pollutants (Luther, 2007). According to the Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board (ASEB, 2000), the aviation industry needs to look crucial current and future environmental issues such as: takeoff and approach noise causing various technology related issues for subsonic and supersonic aircraft flyover noise emerging from moderate speed and height in noiseless areas sonic booms and hyper booms caused by thermo-spherical refraction and reduced noise volume remains of sonic booms taxi and engine run-up noise fuel venting and fuel dumping emission of CO, hydrocarbons, and NOx in the airport area (below 3,000 feet) formation of vapour trail emissions of CO2 emissions in the upper troposphere and stratosphere from both subsonic and supersonic aircraft of water vapour, NOx, sulphur particles and carbon particles possibility for greenhouse effects and reduction in stratospheric ozone International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO, 2011) has defined the issue related to environmental concerns stating that emissions of aircraft engines are like any other emissions caused by fossil fuel burning but the difference between both types of emissions is that aircraft emissions are e xtra-ordinary as a good chunk is released at a height. Crucial environment concerns get raised for emissions’ worldwide impact, affecting the local air quality on the surface. As per the Special Report on Aviation and the Global Atmosphere published in 1999, the gases and particles released by the aircraft change the atmospheric density of greenhouse gases,
MGT230. Leadership and Organization Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
MGT230. Leadership and Organization - Coursework Example Transformational leaders involve their followers with a common of achieving great returns (Bertocci, 2009). They create the realization of the importance of specific outcomes and new approaches in which they can achieve those outcomes. Transformational leaders are grounded in ethical foundations, and it converts followers into leaders while leaders transform into moral agents (Day, 2014). Leaders can be classified as either transactional or transformational depending on how they relate to their followers to achieve the organizational goals (Nongard, 2014). Whether political or business leaders their traits inherent in each leader and as such they influence the outcome of the organization and the relationship between the leaders and their followers (Daft, 2009). This document examines the outstanding leadership qualities of the former U.S. president John F. Kennedy. President John F. Kennedy had an ability to handle problems that could not be perceived by any other person. He was determined and dedicated to his work as the president of the United States (Bass & Riggio, 2006). He formed a team of followers and delegated tasks the followers that resulted in team performance instead of individual achievement. Furthermore, he created a culture of open communication by breaking the barrier of traditional bureaucracy by encouraging open communication where people would be free to share with one another irrespective of their background (Bass & Riggio, 2006). He had diverse personality and talent. He respected everyone irrespective of their positions and had acute judgment of the people who would fit in particular positions and nurtured their talents in order to make them more productive in the society. Therefore, one can argue that President John F. Kennedy was more of a transformational leader than transactional leader (Bass & Riggio, 2006).
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The impact of increasing environmental concerns on the operation of Essay
The impact of increasing environmental concerns on the operation of aircraft and the aircraft maintenance industry - Essay Example Noise pollution affects the people the most, the major side affect of the problem among a number of other aircraft operations and maintenance problems, compelling governments to reconsider the cost of mobility, economic growth and safety of their people. Airport expansion plans have suffered a set back because of increasing environmental impact on air quality, water quality and community noise (Waitz et al., 2004). Discussion Airport operations that affect environment include a number of functions such as the operation of aircraft, maintenance of airport and passenger vehicles and airport ground service equipment (GSE), cleaning and maintenance function, deicing and anti-icing of aircraft and airfields, fuelling and fuel storage of aircraft and other ground transport besides airport facility maintenance functions and airport construction (Luther, 2007). Airport authorities must consent to enforce environmental mitigation initiatives before asking permission for expansion of the airpo rt from the local and state bodies. Community concern has shelved many expansion projects because of issues related to environment. Aviation related environment regulations have been in force from many years but these regulatory compliance issues have become very touchy to be implemented because of ever-increasing air travel. With the addition of new compliance needs airport operations have got transformed with huge investment needed and change in operation processes. Certain crucial issues have emerged due to noise pollution, changes in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations concerning aircraft and airfield deicing operations, changes to EPA regulations on oil spill preventive measures and state and local agency directives to inspect and manage air pollution, particularly harmful air pollutants (Luther, 2007). According to the Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board (ASEB, 2000), the aviation industry needs to look crucial current and future environmental issues such as: takeoff and approach noise causing various technology related issues for subsonic and supersonic aircraft flyover noise emerging from moderate speed and height in noiseless areas sonic booms and hyper booms caused by thermo-spherical refraction and reduced noise volume remains of sonic booms taxi and engine run-up noise fuel venting and fuel dumping emission of CO, hydrocarbons, and NOx in the airport area (below 3,000 feet) formation of vapour trail emissions of CO2 emissions in the upper troposphere and stratosphere from both subsonic and supersonic aircraft of water vapour, NOx, sulphur particles and carbon particles possibility for greenhouse effects and reduction in stratospheric ozone International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO, 2011) has defined the issue related to environmental concerns stating that emissions of aircraft engines are like any other emissions caused by fossil fuel burning but the difference between both types of emissions is that aircraft emissions are e xtra-ordinary as a good chunk is released at a height. Crucial environment concerns get raised for emissions’ worldwide impact, affecting the local air quality on the surface. As per the Special Report on Aviation and the Global Atmosphere published in 1999, the gases and particles released by the aircraft change the atmospheric density of greenhouse gases,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Answer four questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Answer four questions - Essay Example On the other hand, management accounting innovation is the adoption of new ideas or modern forms of management accounting systems. Management accounting innovations are among the central themes driving modern organisations. These modern organisations manage to prosper and retain its success in the aggressive market environments through stable innovations towards organisational prosperity. This paper will outline the contribution of management accounting innovations towards organisational success. 1. Why Management Accounting Innovation is one of the core themes driving modern organisations Innovations are of many types, and research suggests that distinguishing the difference between them is very essential because innovations have different attributes (Schmeisser, 2010). More so, the adoption processes of innovations are not the same and factors affecting them differ. There are different types of innovation that mainly are technical innovation, administrative innovation, process inno vation, product innovation, radical innovation and incremental innovation. To start with, technical innovation relates to the major work activities that are carried out in an organisation, while administrative innovation relates to the organisational structure and administrative processes inclusive of the management. Thirdly, process innovation contains an organisation’s process in new elements. ... Innovations vary differently in different organisations due to the sise and activities of an organisation. However, in management accounting only two innovations are commonly used. These two innovations are administrative and radical innovations. 2. Management accounting is the core theme in driving innovation in modern organisations In the past decades, management accounting strategies included both decision-making and analysis (Emsley, 2005). These past management strategies are claimed to be the predecessor for the emerging innovation and the latest technologies. The modern accounting represents both the operational and the financial planning and control. Managerial accounting is a very essential tool in an organisation because it provides essential data with which the organisation operates. In other words, managerial accounting can be simply referred to as cost accounting. The management accountants have the role of preparing reports that focus on how well or bad managers and the business unit have performed (Lucey, 2003). The management accountants go ahead to measure these performance measures and the results are compared to plans and benchmarks. Most of these reports provide frequent updates on essential indicators and any arising problem is addressed. The main problems that arise in the reporting field are declining in profitability, global market crisis and other emerging problems. These problems are then solved strategically. Therefore, management accounting analyses the past, present and the future of an organisation’s performance through financial transactions. These summarised outputs are essential in planning the current and future stability of an organisation through
Monday, October 14, 2019
Operation Managenent Essay Example for Free
Operation Managenent Essay After completing this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Define the term operations management. 2. Identify the three major functional areas of organizations and describe how they interrelate. 3. Identify similarities and differences between production and service operations. 4. Describe the operations function and the nature of the operations managers job. 5. Summarize the two major aspects of process management. 6. Explain the key aspects of operations management decision making. Briefly describe the historical evolution of operations management. . Characterize current trends in business that impact operations management. Chapter 2 Competitiveness, Strategy, and Productivity After completing this chapter, you should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. List the three primary ways that business organizations compete. Explain five reasons for the poor competitiveness of some companies. Define the term strategy and explain why strategy is important. Discuss and compare organization strategy and operations strategy, and explain why it is important to link the two. 5. Describe and give examples of time-based strategies. 6. Define the term productivity and explain why it is important to organizations and to countries. 7. Provide some of the reasons for poor productivity and some ways of improving it. Chapter 3 Forecasting: 1. List the elements of a good forecast. 2. Outline the steps in the forecasting process. 3. Evaluate at least three qualitative forecasting techniques and the advantages and disadvantages of each. 4. Compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative approaches to forecasting. 5. Describe averaging techniques, trend and seasonal techniques, and regression analysis, and solve typical problems. Explain three measures of forecast accuracy. 7. Compare two ways of evaluating and controlling forecasts. 8. Assess the major factors and trade-offs to consider when choosing a forecasting technique. Chapter 4 – Product and Service Design: 1. Explain the strategic importance of product and service design. 2. Identify some key reasons for design or redesign. 3. Recognize the key questions of product and service design. 4. List some of the main sources of design ideas. 5. Discuss the importance of legal, ethical, and sustainability considerations in product and service design. 6. Explain the purpose and goal of life cycle assessment. 7. Explain the phrase the 3 Rs. 8. Briefly describe the phases in product design and development. 9. Name several key issues in manufacturing design. 10. Recognize several key issues in service design. 11. Name the phases in service design. 12. List the characteristics of well-designed service systems. 13. Assess some of the challenges of service design. Chapter 5 Strategic Capacity Planning for Products and Services: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Summarize the importance of capacity planning. Discuss ways of defining and measuring capacity. Describe the determinants of effective capacity. Discuss the major considerations related to developing capacity alternatives. Briefly describe approaches that are useful for evaluating capacity alternatives. Chapter 6 Process Selection and Facility Layout: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain the strategic importance of process selection. Describe the influence that process selection has on an organization. Compare the basic processing types. Explain the need for management of technology. List some reasons for redesign of layouts. Describe the basic layout types, and the main advantages and disadvantages of each. Chapter 7- Work Design and Measurement: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Explain the importance of work design. Compare and contrast the two basic approaches to job design. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of specialization. Explain the term knowledge-based pay. Explain the purpose of methods analysis and describe how methods studies are performed. 6. Compare four commonly used techniques for motion study. 7. Discuss the impact of working conditions on job design. 8. Define a standard time. 9. Describe and compare time study methods and perform calculations. 10. Describe work sampling and perform calculations. Compare stopwatch time study and work sampling. 12. Contrast time and output pay systems. Chapter 8 Location Planning and Analysis: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Identify some of the main reasons organizations need to make location decisions. Explain why location decisions are important. Discuss the options that are available for location decisions. Give examples of the major factors that affect location decisions. Outline the decision process for making these kinds of decisions. Chapter 9 – Management of Quality: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Define the term quality as it relates to products and as it relates to services. Explain why quality is important and the consequences of poor quality. Identify the determinants of quality. Distinguish the costs associated with quality. Compare the quality awards. Discuss the philosophies of quality gurus. Describe TQM. Give an overview of process improvement. Describe and use various quality tools. Chapter 10 – Quality Control: 1. List and briefly explain the elements of the control process. 2. Explain how control charts are used to monitor a process, and the concepts that underlie their use. Chapter 11 Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling: 1. Explain what aggregate planning is and how it is useful. 2. Identify the variables decision makers have to work with in aggregate planning and some of the possible strategies they can use. 3. Describe some of the graphical and quantitative techniques planners use. 4. Describe the master scheduling process and explain its importance. Chapter 12 – MRP and ERP: 1. Describe the conditions under which MRP is most appropriate. 2. Describe the inputs, outputs, and nature of MRP processing. 3. Explain how requirements in a master production schedule are translated into material requirements for lower-level items. Discuss the benefits and requirements of MRP. 5. Explain how an MRP system is useful in capacity requirements planning. 6. Outline the potential benefits and some of the difficulties users have encountered with MRP. 7. Describe MRP II and its benefits. 8. Describe ERP, what it provides, and its hidden costs. Chapter 13 – Inventory Management: 1. Define the term inventory, list the major reasons for holding inventories, and list the main requirements for effective inventory management. 2. Discuss the nature and importance of service inventories. 3. Explain periodic and perpetual review systems. 4. Explain the objectives of inventory management. 5. Describe the A-B-C approach and explain how it is useful. 6. Describe the basic EOQ model and its assumptions. 7. Describe reorder point models. 8. Describe situations in which the singleperiod model would be appropriate. Chapter 14 – JIT and Lean Operations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Explain what is meant by the term lean operations system. List each of the goals of a lean system and explain its importance. List and briefly describe the building blocks of lean. Identify the benefits of a lean system. Outline the considerations important in converting a traditional mode of operations to a lean system. 6. Point out some of the obstacles that might be encountered when converting to a lean system. 7. Describe value stream mapping. Chapter 15 – Supply Chain Management 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Discuss the key issues of supply chain management. Name the recent trends in supply chain management. Summarize the motivations and risks of outsourcing as a strategy. State some of the complexities that are involved with global supply chains. List some of the strategic, tactical, and operational responsibilities of supply chain management. Give examples of some advantages of e-business. Explain the importance of supplier partnerships. List the requirements of an effective supply chain. Name some of the challenges in creating an effective supply chain. Chapter 16 Scheduling 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain what scheduling involves and the importance of good scheduling. Describe scheduling needs in high-volume and intermediate-volume systems. Describe scheduling needs in job shops. Use and interpret Gantt charts, and use the assignment method for loading. Give examples of commonly used priority rules. Summarize some of the unique problems encountered in service systems, and describe some of the approaches used for scheduling service systems. Chapter 17 – Project Management: 1. Discuss the behavioral aspects of projects in terms of project personnel and the project manager. 2. Explain the nature and importance of a work breakdown structure in project management. 3. Give a general description of PERT/CPM techniques. 4. Construct simple network diagrams. 5. List the kinds of information that a PERT or CPM analysis can provide. 6. Describe activity crashing and solve typical problems. Management of Waiting Lines After ompleting this chapter, you should be familiar with waiting line terminology, be able to solve typical problems using the models presented in this chapter, and answer these questions: 1. Describe what imbalance does the existence of a waiting line reveal? 2. Explain what causes waiting lines to form, and why is it impossible to eliminate them completely? 3. Describe what metrics are used to help managers analyze waiting lines? 4. Explain what are some psychological approaches to managing waiting lines, and why might a manager want to use them? 5. Explain what very important lesson does the constant service time model provide for managers?
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Slumdog Millionaire A Short Summary Film Studies Essay
Slumdog Millionaire A Short Summary Film Studies Essay The character of an 18 year-old orphan named Jamal Malik from the Mumbais slums, who experienced the miserable days of his life. Whole nation discerning, he is just one question far from winning 20 million rupees on program, Indias Who likes to be a Millionaire? But when the brandish breaks for the night, policemen apprehend him on suspicion of betraying; how could a road child realize so much? Despairing to verify his innocence, Jamal notifies the scenes in the slum of his life where his brother and he grow up, of their excursions simultaneously on the street, of vicious runs into with localized gangs, and of Latika, the young girl he loved her and then he lost her. Each episode of his story reveals the input to the answer game shows questions. Eighteen year vintage Jamal Malik is having an astonishing responding mark on Who likes to be a Millionaire. He is just one right answer away from the large-scale pay. Is Jamal betraying? Is it solely luck that they have inquired him the questions to which he realizes the replies? Considering Jamals life expedition to this issue finally answers these inquiries. His life journey encompasses at an early age he became orphan; living with his brother, Salim, who was his protector, antagonist and guardian; and having an attachment since childhood with another orphaned progeny, a young female. His inspiration for being on the brandish furthermore may provide some answers to his success. Possibly it was all just intended to be. In Mumbai, Jamal Malik is tormented by the cops in consideration of cheating a game brandish. Jamal, who has no discovering and works in a call center assisting tea, is close to winning twenty million rupees in the display who likes to be a Millionaire? The policeman inspector exhibitions the videotape and after each investigation, Jamal notifies components of his childhood with his male sibling Salim, his trample for Latika and their assault to endure on the roads to support each correct answer, guided by his prevalent sense and past know-how, and verify his innocence. Mumbais policeman Sergeant Srinivas and his better interrogate and detain Jamal Malik. They suppose that he was betraying a popular Indian TV game display. They have clues that Jamal has had no prescribed learning and has been a job roinbber as a progeny, and are very resolute to inquiry him utilizing any method to get that how he can be able to enter in this game of money. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2009) Production of film: The genesis of Slumdog Millionaire started at conduit 4 when the Head of movie and Drama, Tessa Ross, got a phone call from Film4s publication scout, Kate Sinclair, who clarified that shed read a verification of an exceptional article. Whereas yet to be released, when Sinclair chucked the article, Ross directly optioned the publication. Ross proposed that, while the publication was difficult to change into a play, she thought Beaufoy had the ability and know-how to do it. He knows how to explain the life of man from birth to his success. It was perhaps incoherent and few tales were nearly discreet little tales that had no quotation to the foremost individual characteristics at all. Its very distinct to starting with ones own concept and evolving it. Simon came up with the new name of Slumdog Millionaire. Its a comedy but its furthermore, at times, a horrifying drama. There are instants of large agony. Its a story and like all the best tales, it has instants of authentic darkness and repugnance. There is a large combine of things that really make you antic and make you bawl and make you gasp. When the script was in good enough form to take it to Danny, the groups number one alternate was Danny Boyle. In the world of video development, where tasks can labor to move ahead, certainly opposite re-writes, new writers, comprehensive comments and delays as other videos move into yield, Slumdog Millionaires development arc was rapid. Mechanically the places and bustle affiliated with every area the yield traveled to intend that Danny and his camera section, including the award winners controller of taking photos Anthony Dod Mantle, had to address some camera alternatives and firing methods. The crew was primarily conceiving to fire certain scenes utilizing highly complicated SI-2K digital cameras, but Boyle was obstinate that he did not yearn to take large and rather cumbersome 35mm cameras into the slums. The lesser, more flexible digital cameras enabled them to blaze rapidly with much less disturbance to the localized groups. Finding places and being allocated get access to be a logistical challenge for the place support and scouts from the groups Indian additions was vital. A localize d yield business India Take One expressed its knowledge to the yield, endowing the team to very quickly journal out how they would shift quickly from one location to the next. But distance is not habitually the large-scale topic in India. With millions of vehicles, rickshaws and taxis vying for the streets, traffic jams are part of everyday life as intense and dozing. General, in Mumbai, the maintain systems for filming were very much complicated than the yield had initially likely. Though disordered to an amount, Colson issue out that amenities were accessible across all facets of the production procedure. Mumbai is a world center for film making. The amenities are first class. There are truly incredible crews, studio space etc. Box office reception: Fox Searchlight issued 351 publishes of the movie over India for its full issue there on 23 January 2009. At the Indian carton bureau, in its first week, it makes business for about Rs. 23,545,665. Although not as much successful as foremost Bollywood matters in India throughout its first week, this was the biggest weekend whole for any Fox video. In its second week, the films whole increased to Rs. 30,470,752 at the Indian box agency. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2009) Twosomes of analysts have proposed their attitudes about the films presentation at the Indian carton bureau. Komal Nahta, Trade analyst, stated that, There was an adversity with the title. It is not a well known phrase for majority Indians. In supplement, trade analyst Amod Mehr has claimed that with the exclusion of Anil Kapoor, the movie lacks recognizable stars and that the video. is not ideally matched for Indian sentiment. A videos proprietor commented that to find out slum juvenile men talking flawless English dont appear good but when speaks in Hindi language; the movie looks much realistic. The named Hindi type, did better at the box agency, and added exact replicates of that type were issued. Following the films achievement in the 81st Academy Awards, the movie is growing in India bigger by 470%. As of 15 March 2009, grossed of Rs. 158,613,802 of Slumdog Millionaire has at the Indian carton agency. Reviews: According to Times Entertainment One juvenile man, Jamal, has suspiciously or miraculously, extended the two worlds. An office boy, or chai wallah, from a Call center business, he has won a treasure on the Indian type of who likes to Be a Millionaire. The anchor is so skeptical of Jamals proficiency to answer the inquiries that he has try to punish the reality out of the lad. His interpretations, all anxiety to his miserable life as an orphan without home in the enterprise of his male sibling Salim, and not often sufficient, with the winsome, consistently abused Latika. The quest of Jamals finding his love Latika is similar to the idea of Indian movies from Raj-Kapoor movies. Factual to its sources, Slumdog, acclimatized from the innovative QA by Vikas Swarup, finishes with a purely delighted kiss and an all out promenade number, conceived by Bollywood deity A.R. Rahman. Despite of its components of cruelty, this is a floating tune to life, and a film to commemorate. (Singh, 2009) According to New York Times bathing comes regularly to Jamal, who profits from a dwelling as a chai-wallah assisting fragrant tea to call-center employees in Mumbai and who, after a sequence of alternating exhilarating and unnerving excursions, has set down in the moderately hot chair on the TV game brandish Who likes to Be a Millionaire. Yet while the item undoes with Jamal on the verge of catching the large-scale reward, here, narrative doesnt start and end. By all privileges the consistency of Jamals life should have been brutally changed by disaster by the time he makes apprehend for the TV prize. But because Slumdog Millionaire is self deliberately bordered as an up to designated day tales or because Mr. Boyle bends in the main heading of the sanguine, this verifies to be one of the most upbeat tales about living in torment imaginable. Salim, observer the murder of their mother by marauding fanatics equipped with anti-Muslim epithets and associations. In the end, what presents me reluctant hesitate about this bright, cheery, hard-to-resist video is that its enjoyment senses much like a filmmakers assessment than a dependable bawl from the heart about the human essence. (Dargis, 2008) People remarks about film: Every one-by-one has his own admiration and way of conceiving. Some adored it and some have critical comments. Some of them are granted: Without a doubt the best video I have ever glimpsed encompassing a pulsing, assuring soundtrack, appealing cinematography throughout, a captivating movie bragging gritty realism yet awe-inspiring romance. But as for being contradictory in the main heading of India, it teaches as far as the prostitution and the slums etc. is considered, it displays India as a vibrant, colorful, fast-moving, hope-filled location. Absolutely, not feeling good movie. Blaring, energetic, fast-moving and colorful, but how can so much brutality and unhappiness go away any individual feeling good? I regret going to glimpse a video which takes advantage of poor children. This Oscar being triumphant film Slumdog millionaire was very inspirational and uplifting movie with lots of wants in it. Regrettably, its not so looking at the pureness of the Oscar winning children genuine life. These children were the aim of the movie. They were the funnies and large actors with no popularities and with the smallest past know-how of portraying. (Dargis, 2008) (Time Out London, 2009) Impact made by movie: Most of the persons loved this video just because of the work of player and the way he get ease of his sad life but some persons criticize this video. Persons hold praising the films very sensible portrayal of slums life in India. But its not that thing. Slums life is a miserable. It takes self-assurance from you in the shape of the wealthy and the privileged. It robs your dignity, deadens your ambition, bounds your fantasy and psychologically cripples you when you step out-of-doors the solace zone of your own locality. Most people in the slums not ever complete a fairy-tale ending. Reviewer said that Sudips concept is indeed sensible. Although, I would furthermore like to note that not every individual answers the way how individuals should react. Individuals in the slums might be stolen off of self-assurance because they worry that their family constituent be enforced with hazard if they do something foolish. (WebbieStuff, 2009) Message got from movie: Despite of all the hype, Slumdog consigns a patronizing and ultimately sham affirmation on communal fairness. Danny Boyles Slumdog Millionaire, probably one of the most commemorated videos in latest times, notifies the rags-to-rajah article of a love-struck Indian juvenile man, with a small support from fate success over his wretched starting in Mumbai. Slumdog has enraged numerous Indians because it tarnishes their insight of their homeland as an expanding financial authority and a bonfire of democracy. Indias English newspapers, said mostly by its middle classes, have conveyed many bristling reconsiders of the film that articulate an acute sense of wounded nationwide dignity. Though comprehensible, the emotion is not justifiable. So at times pathetically artificial, many of the films heart trembling scenarios are motivated by a miserable, but well-documented truth. Corruption is certainly rampant amidst the policeman, and most will willingly use torment, so none is expected dim sufficient to aim an eloquent, English-talking man which is actually an expanding newspapers incident. Beggar-makers do round-up forsaken juvenile kids and mutilate them in alignment to make them more agreeable, while it is highly unlikely that any such progeny will ever possibility upon a $100 account, much less be adept of recognizing it by feel and scent alone. (Sengupta, 2009)
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Sigmund Freud Essay -- Biography
Sigmund Scholmo Freud was born on May 6, 1865 in Freiburg, Moravia. Freud was orginally born Jewish but changed over to Atheism, later his Jewish past would come back to â€Å"haunt†him. An interesting (yet disturbing) fact is that Freud's mother, who was also his father's second wife, was only a few years older than his two stepbrothers. Many people believe that this was a cause to why Freud to believe that the psychological issues are related back to sexual issues in childhood, since he had an psychological issue with this (Isbister, pg 9). As a child, Freud was the favorite among his ten brothers and sisters and the most intelligent. He was the only child among his siblings to get the best education that money could afford. When he was growing up he wanted to study law but instead chose medicine because (his quote from his autobiography) â€Å"at the time, the theories of Darwin, which were then of interest, strongly attracted me, for they held out hopes of an extraordin ary advance in our understanding of the world; and Goethe’s beautiful essay on nature read aloud in a lecture before I left for school that decided me to become a medical student.†(Strachey, pg.8). At age seventeen Freud went to the University of Vienna and then graduated in 1885 with a doctoral degree in medicine but this was hard to do because of all the negativity towards the Jewish people. During and after his college career he always believed that evolution and psychology determined people’s behavior. During college, Freud done an internship at Theodor Meynert’s Psychiatric Clinic and studied under Ernst Brucke, a psychology Professor. He did research about cocaine at Theordor Meynert’s Pyschiatric Clinic. Midway through the research he believe that cocaine cou... .... According to some people this ended psychoanalysis, however, it did not because even today psychologist still follow Freud’s theories by disproving them or proving them. On September 23, 1939, Sigmund Freud died from a physician assistant overdose on morphine because he could not handle the pain from battling jaw and throat cancer, anymore. â€Å"The twenty-first century was also known as the Freudian century†(Thruschwell, pg.7). Sigmund Freud changed the way we think, understand, and look at psychological issues today. Of course, some of his theories has been proven false or has been â€Å"updated†throughout the years but he is still known as the father of psychoanalysis. Even though Freud thought that everyone’s problems can be traced back to childhood or sexual issues, he created and done so many different good things in the psychological and neurological field.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Moral Virtue Aquired
How is moral virtue acquired? Alex Koglman Aristotle believes ethics is about moral virtue over intellectual virtue. Moral virtue comes about as a result of habits of human excellence. So in that case nothing that exists by nature can form a habit. For example, when a bunny is born it does not learn to hop it is born to hop. With that being said us humans should try and develop good habits from the beginning of life. By developing good habits this will help you do the right thing without having to think hard about what the outcome is going to be.Good behavior arises from habits which in return can only be acquired by repeating the action and correcting it. First, moral virtues that help construct up a â€Å"happy†human are; justice, wisdom, courage and temperance. Wisdom is a special virtue that is intellectual; however it does guide human choices, while moral virtues are about action. Moral virtues are not acquired by teaching; they are brought on by acting the same way over and over again until it is habitual.So how do people acquire these moral virtues? The best conclusion would be, if a person had parents that acted in this way and were role models of excellence. Otherwise, success only comes from years of practicing, making tough decisions, and learning from your mistakes. Next, how will someone know when they acquire these moral virtues? The persons peers will look up to them and constantly have positive outcomes. People will come to them for help/advice, have 100% faith in them and be a huge role model.In result that person will feel like a million dollars knowing that he/she is in control. Aristotle provides people with both amazing insight and a powerful plan to shape one’s choices and actions in ways that will increase the chance of attaining happiness. By developing the four cardinal virtues, a person can go very far down the path of a whole life, well lived and the rest is up to good fortune. But even if bad luck ruins the chance, a p erson of good character, by possessing the moral virtues, will be far better off than those who don’t.Aristotle concludes that it is not possible to achieve happiness, a whole life well lived, without moral virtue. Moral virtue is a necessity for happiness otherwise people will act out of spite/anger/revenge/unlawful. Acting virtuously, however, is the primary means to becoming virtuous. For, according to Aristotle, â€Å"virtues arise in us neither by nature nor contrary to nature; but by our nature we can receive them and perfect them by habituationâ€
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Effects Of Women Incarceration On Young Children Essay
Women incarceration has been on increase since the nineteenth century. This has had various effects on children of these imprisoned mothers. When a woman is incarcerated, whatever happens to their children is a matter of great concern. This paper aims at showing the impacts of women incarceration on children. This is in relation to their development and well being. (Beckerman, 1994) It is good to consider the family networks when looking at the impact of women incarceration on young children. A child’s development level has to be considered too when looking at the effects of women imprisonment. Parental incarceration has been increasing at an alarming rate since the year 1991. In the year 1991 there were approximately 450,000 parents imprisoned and by the year 2000 this number had increased to 437,400. The number of children that were affected also rose from 930,000 to 1,530, 500 during the same period. The number of women prisoners has continued to increase at a very fast rate as compared to men. From the year 1991 to the year 2000 there has been an 87 percent increase in the number incarcerated women as compared to 61 percent increase in number of incarcerated men. Research shows that fifty eight percent of the children that have incarcerated parents fall below the age of ten years. The mean age is eight years. Research indicates that forty eight percent of the women in prisons have never been married. This means that they are single parents. Twenty five percent of incarcerated women were separated or divorced. Approximately twenty three to thirty six percent of the women were married. Research shows that women incarceration can have different impacts on young children whether they were residing with the children or not when they got imprisoned. It is very obvious that in case the women were not staying with their children, then there are great chances that there was no meaningful social relationship between the two parties (children and mothers). Research shows that women incarceration has multiple effects on young children because when men are imprisoned, it is the women who take care of the children. When this happens mothers use ninety percent of their time in care giving. Now the case is the other way round, that is, when women are imprisoned. (Pollock, 2002) Research indicates that in the case of women incarceration the men only use twenty three to thirty one percent of their time to take care of young children. Friends can use approximately ten to twelve percent of their time to help while relatives assume the parenting role in approximately twenty six to thirty four percent of the cases only. These disparities in parenting responsibilities show the exact picture in the society that mothers play big roles in parenting especially in intact families. (Boudin, 1998) Women in most cases are more likely to be imprisoned because of fraud and drug offences. The type of offence always determines the period that they stay in prison. Women incarceration has got greater impacts on young children than men incarceration. According to various scholars, incarceration is not just a discrete or single event but it is actually a dynamic process that normally unfolds with time. (Chesney, 1983) Arrest phase The whole impact of women incarceration on children during this phase is indicated in an incomplete picture. Research shows that one out of five children is normally present at the time of arrest. The child normally witnesses the mother being taken to prison by policemen or the relevant authorities. Statistics show that in most cases, the other children are out playing or in school or doing other leisure activities. Research carried out in the year 2005 in United States shows that more than half of the children who witness this scenario are adversely affected. (Boudin, 1998) In most cases these children are normally below seven years and are care of their mother only as per that time. Surveys carried out in nine states in United States, that is, Chicago, Mississippi, Oregon, New Mexico, Texas, New Jersey, Boston, Florida and Washington D. C reveal this. Forty percent of the children who had ever witnessed their mothers being arrested were interviewed. Thirty eight percent of the children respondents admitted that they constantly suffered flashbacks and nightmares in relation to the incident. The occurrence was more prevalent during the first month that their mothers were arrested. Overall management of explanation There are so many controversies that enfold the issue of providing young children with the information concerning their mothers undergoing incarceration. There are those who argue that children should not know that their mother has undergone such a bad thing. This according to the assertions helps in minimizing the trauma that goes hand in hand with this separation. (Covington, 1997) On the other hand, other scholars argue that failure to disclose this important information can increase the emotional distress of the child. This is termed as conspiracy of silence. Regardless of whether women are the ones incarcerated or not, they are charged with the responsibility of explaining the whole situation to the children. Research carried out in the year 1997 indicates that out of thirty five cases only eight of these cases did the fathers offer their children an explanation concerning their mother being incarcerated. (Chesney, 1983) In most of the cases the explanation provided is quite general and vague. Many relatives and fathers lie to their children concerning the departure of their mother. There are variations such that some families use total deception while others use partial deception when explaining why the mother is missing. This conspiracy of deception has got various impacts on the children’s ability to cope with the whole issue. Children who are not well informed about their mother’s absence are very fearful and anxious. Inmost cases women incarcerations occur when the attachment of the children to their mothers has already developed. This can lead to adverse effects on the child because he or she could have spent the first nine to twelve months with the mother. (Covington, 1997) This normally results in insecure attachments. This is just but a consequence of the adverse shifts in life circumstances. This in most cases makes the child to have very poor relationships during his or her adolescent years. Another adverse effect of the child’s mother undergoing incarceration is that it makes the child to develop diminished cognitive abilities. This is very common to young children between two to six years of age. (Enos, 1998) The effects of women incarceration on young children are quite diverse. Young children with incarcerated mothers also tend to suffer from psychological or emotional problems. This is exhibited through withdrawal. In this case the children never want to associate with others and prefer being on their own even during play time. Psychological problems are also exhibited through depression, hyper vigilance and anxiety. In the case of hyper vigilance, the children are just too cautious or alert. The children whose mother has been incarcerated can also exhibit externalizing behaviors. They include great hostility towards siblings and caregivers, aggression and anger. Research in United States prisons shows that very few prisons permit women prisoners to keep their infants. In most of the cases the mothers are just permitted few days of contact with their babies. (Henriquez, 1996) This makes it very hard for the mother and baby to bond. This does not give the baby the opportunity to be familiar with the mother. When the mother is finally released from prison, she comes back home when the child has already developed and is not emotionally attached to her. This just results in children having behavioral and emotional problems later in life. (Pollock, 2002) In case the mother’s incarceration occurs when the children are in the school going age, they automatically get affected in their academics. These children also have problems with their peer relationships. Research shows that more than forty five percent of children with incarcerated mothers have school problems. This can result the children performing poorly at school. For young children between the ages of six to eight years old whose mothers were incarcerated, there was much unwillingness to go to school. This can be termed in other words as school phobias. This was in most cases for the up to six weeks after the mother being imprisoned. Other reports show that seventy one percent of 170 children of incarcerated mothers had very poor performance in their academics. They also had behavioral problems while in school. When other students know of the issue concerning the incarceration of the child, they tend to tease the child and he or she may become ostracized by peers. This can even lead to drop out from school if not suspension because of behavioral problems. (Enos, 1998) Boys and girls While the effects of women incarceration are expected to adversely affect girls more than boys, there is no adequate evidence to back up these allegations. Both boys and girls are normally adversely affected by the incarceration of their mothers. The only difference is that they generally express their reactions quite differently. Girls in most instances exhibit internalizing problems while boys exhibit externalizing behavior problems due to incarceration of their mother. (Owen, 1995) As illustrated earlier on, some of the women that are incarcerated are single parents. They may never have gotten married or they could have gone through a divorce. When arrests are made either to a man or a woman, there is normally no prior information that this act will be carried out. Therefore in most cases the woman is found off guard when she is not prepared to leave her family. This is in relation to who will fend or take care of the children. Children may have gone to school only to come back to an empty house without a mother. This can really cause distress to children when it is a single parent family as they have to fend for themselves. The impact is what we currently see on the streets-street children who were left behind by incarcerated mothers. This causes a lot of destabilization to young children because they are not old enough to work. They cannot afford to pay rent and therefore they just have to beg on the streets. Other children become house helps so that they can cater for their basis needs. They even carry work as baby sitters. Children whose mothers have been imprisoned can have eating problems. This is a result of the stress or depression of not having their mother around especially during meal times. Other children whose mothers have been incarcerated normally have clinging behavior. They also exhibit truancy in church attendance. When mothers are imprisoned the health of the children is known to automatically deteriorate. This is according to the recent studies carried out in Florida, Boston, Mississippi and New Jersey. Women are normally concerned with the health of the children a great deal more than men. There are instances when children have health problems and women because of their concern, take care of them. (Sobel, 1982) Most men come back late from work and leave early and therefore may not know so much in relation to the health of the children. Little things like allergies to foods are better known to the mother. When there is incarceration of the women the health of children declines because men or fathers care less. They may leave the duties to house helps who may not give maximum attention to the child as required. This results in health deterioration of children. Conclusion Incarceration of women has been on increase and this has got various effects on young children. Children who witness their mother being arrested have nightmares and flashbacks of the whole scenario. Fathers and relatives normally withhold information concerning the incarceration of the mother. This is conspiracy of silence and it increases fear and anxiety in children. A mother’s incarceration makes a child to have emotional or psychological problems which are exhibited through depression, hyper vigilance and anxiety. In case the child is of school going age it results in poor performance in his or her academics.
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