Friday, May 31, 2019
The Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Use :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
The Legalization of Marijuana for Medical UsePicture in your question a young girl that is almost d unrivaled with her freshman year of high school. These next few years are supposed to be about of the best years of this girls life. But instead of this young girl worrying about what clothes she is going to wear, or how she is going to way of life her hair, she has to worry about side effects of chemotherapy. Melinda has been diagnosed with Hodskins Lymphoma, a malignant neoplastic disease of the lymph nodes, at age fifteen. When totally the other fifteen-year-old girls are busy chasing boys and dealing will all the drama that comes with high school Melinda is in the hospital getting blood transfusions because the chemo has depleted her of necessary cells. The chemo that Melinda has transfused into her has many side effects that come with it. The chemo basically kills a person in order to kill the cancer cells. These side effects include nausea, intense pain and a loss of a ppetite. There is only one drug that exists today that has the potential to cure all of the above side effects, and that is marijuana. This drug is currently illegal, and doctors cannot prescribe it to patients. This issue affects college students because we are the ones that are going to foregather a role in this debate in the future. Many of us are going to become doctors, FBI agents, or United States Senators. That is why college students need to be informed about this complex issue. We are the ones that are going to be making decisions about this issue later on in our lives. The debate on legalizing marijuana for medical use is not just a simple pro/con debate. It is a very complex issue that has many divers(prenominal) approaches to it, and in each of the approaches there are differences of opinion. Three main sides to this debate are the medical approach, government and enforcement approach, and the lawmaker approach.The medical approach consists of doctors that mete out cancer patients, and cultural beliefs that since marijuana is illegal it should not be used at all. Some doctors and people of the public believe that marijuana should be used to treat side effects of chemotherapy, and other doctors and people of the public believe that it should not be used as a medicine.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Did America undergo a revolution? :: American America History
Did America undergo a revolution?Before we ask the main question, (whether America underwent a revolution in the latterly 18th century) we must first-year define what a revolution is. In the past it used to fuddled there was a change in the bon ton but then after a degree of time it would re troll to the way it was, hence the rule book revolution, to revolve. Now if you look it up in the mental lexicon it tends to mean something radic every last(predicate)y changes and then stays that way i.e. Fundamental change in values, political institutions, social grammatical construction and leadership brought about by a erect scale revolt. The totality of change in a revolution distinguishes it from coups, rebellions and wars of independence, which seek to achieve only token changes. For a complete revolution to take view there ar six comprises which should be completed, though it is impossible to predict the exact course of a revolution so this is just a guideline. The first of the stages is breaking away from the past, this is the stage that takes place even before the revolutionaries can think of setting up a bleak order for society. This stage is the change of the grey society or government. Now that the the old order has fallen there is an apparent period of calming down, though peoples expectations are still high, if the new order doesnt resolve the issues that caused the political upheaval in the first place then the days of succor will be short lived, this stage is called The weakness of Moderates. A revolution is like starting again with a clean plate, so there is a radical backlash against prior powers. This stage eliminates all the old order and its sympathisers, as they are seen as evil or corrupt, shortly anyone who is suspected of manduction or longing to go back to the old ways could become a target for social cleansing. This stage is called wiping out the past for obvious reasons. The next stage is the temporary set back or Thermidor, this is when a revolution tries to turn back, though these temporary retreats are usually just pauses to regain strength. Then comes dictatorship or Bonapartism, inwardness that all the ideals in a revolution are ultimately betrayed by a dictator. Bonapartism is the gaining of power using military strength. The final stage is restoration, this is the loop in the stages, when everything returns to basically the way it was except under a different power.Did America undergo a revolution? American America HistoryDid America undergo a revolution?Before we ask the main question, (whether America underwent a revolution in the Late 18th century) we must first define what a revolution is. In the past it used to mean there was a change in the society but then after a period of time it would return to the way it was, hence the word revolution, to revolve. Now if you look it up in the dictionary it tends to mean something radically changes and then stays that way i.e. Fundamental change i n values, political institutions, social structure and leadership brought about by a large scale revolt. The totality of change in a revolution distinguishes it from coups, rebellions and wars of independence, which seek to achieve only particular changes. For a complete revolution to take place there are six stages which should be completed, though it is impossible to predict the exact course of a revolution so this is just a guideline. The first of the stages is breaking away from the past, this is the stage that takes place even before the revolutionaries can think of setting up a new order for society. This stage is the weakening of the old society or government. Now that the the old order has fallen there is an apparent period of calming down, though peoples expectations are still high, if the new order doesnt resolve the issues that caused the political upheaval in the first place then the days of moderation will be short lived, this stage is called The weakness of Moderates. A revolution is like starting again with a clean plate, so there is a radical backlash against prior powers. This stage eliminates all the old order and its sympathisers, as they are seen as evil or corrupt, shortly anyone who is suspected of sharing or longing to go back to the old ways could become a target for social cleansing. This stage is called wiping out the past for obvious reasons. The next stage is the temporary set back or Thermidor, this is when a revolution tries to turn back, though these temporary retreats are usually just pauses to regain strength. Then comes dictatorship or Bonapartism, meaning that all the ideals in a revolution are ultimately betrayed by a dictator. Bonapartism is the gaining of power using military strength. The final stage is restoration, this is the loop in the stages, when everything returns to basically the way it was except under a different power.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Janie from Their Eyes Were Watching God, Gatsby from The Great Gatsby,
Janie from Their Eyes Were Watching God, Gatsby from The Great Gatsby, June from The Joy Luck Club, and Edna from The wake In most of the worlds greatest literature, there have been introduced countless courageous characters and triumphant victories. These characters have the power to father strength from distress and grow courageous by reflection. Such characters as Janie from Their Eyes Were Watching God, Gatsby from The Great Gatsby, June from The Joy Luck Club, and Edna from The Awakening. Throughout each of these magnificent stories comes an example of bravery and courage. Although in round cases, the characters may not generally be perceived by the public to be courageous at all, they demonstrate extreme strength in overcoming adver gety. In Zora Neale Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God, the character of Janie is a prime example of overcoming adversity. She is faced with racism early in life, and then forced to marry at a young age. In her lifelong search for true love, Janie goes through three marriages, several moves, and an incredible journey of self-discovery. On Janies quest for unconditional, true, and fulfilling love, she gains her own interdependence and own(prenominal) freedom, which makes her a true heroine in this novel. Because Janie strives for her own independence, others tend to judge her simply because she is daring enough to achieve her own autonomy. Ah wants things sweet wed mah marriage lak when you sit under a pear tree and think. Ah (Eyes 23) Throughout the novel, she searches for the love that she has always desired, one that is represented to her early in life by the marriage betwixt a bee and a blossom on the pear tree that stood in her grandmothers backyard. She was stretched o... ... because reality cannot keep up with ideals, but also because the ideals are in any(prenominal) case usually too fantastic to be realised. The heroic presentation of Gatsby, therefore, should not be taken at face value, for we canno t overlook the fact that Gatsby is naive, meshuggeneh and over sentimental. It is this which makes him attempt the impossible, to repeat the past. There is something pitiful and absurd about the way he refuses to grow up, but also brave and courageous. The way Gatsby refuses to founder his ideals is admirable, although many saw it as foolish. Jay Gatsby died because of these ideals, and can almost be seen as a martyr for his own beliefs and idea of perfection, or the American Dream. Gatsbys good friend, neighbor, and the vote counter of this novel thinks very highly of the complicated Gatsby. Your worth the whole rotten bunch of them put together,
Horror of War in Dulce et Decorum Est :: Dulce et Decorum Est Essays
Horror of War in Dulce et Decorum Est Wilfred Owens Dulce et Decorum Est is a magnificent, and terrible, description of a gas attack suffered by a group of soldiers in World War 1. One of this group is unable to get on his helmet, and suffers horribly. Through his shifting cycles/seconds, dramatic description, and rich, raw images, Owen seeks to convince us that the horror of war far outweighs the patriotic cliches of those who glamorize war. In the outset of four stanzas, Owen presents the death-like calm before the storm of the gas attack. Alliteration and onomatopoeia join with omnipotent figurative and literal images of war to produce a pitiful sense of despair. Bent beggars, knock-kneed, cough and curse like hags through sludge. All of this blind drunk into just two lines The third line places the speaker of the poem with this trudging group. In the simple Men marched asleep sentence, the three beats imitate the falling rhythm of these exhausted men. The pun blood-shod makes its grim effect on us slowly. We guess, too, that blind and lame suggest several levels of debilitation. The stanza ends with the ironic-quiet sounds of the shells dropping softly behind. In contrast to the first stanza, the second stanza is full of action. The oxymoron,ecstasy of fumbling, seems at first odd, but then perfect, as a way to describe the controlled panic -instantly awakened with heightened sensibility- of men with just seconds to find a gas mask. But... tells all. One man is too late and is seen only through the green sea of mustard gas, yelling... stumbling...drowning...guttering...choking. The third stanzas drawing two lines emphasize the nightmare these events continue to be for our speaker. In the last stanza, Owen becomes more insistent as he drives atus with the steady rhythmic beat of iambic pentameter. We feel the jolt of the wagon, see the white eyes writhing in this hanging face, and, most horribly, hear the garglin g of the blood choked lungs. The amazing sound-filled simile, like a devils sick of sin, testifies, along with all the rest, to the overwhelming truth of this experience. It is not if we could see the horror of this scene.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Cherokees :: essays research papers
ThesisThe fierce struggle of European nations to dominate the New World caused the Texas Cherokees to be &8220caught between ii fires. The both fires Everett refers to is not only in respect to white settlers pushing westward and resistance from opposite tribes to the eastside, but between removal and extermination. The Texas Cherokees courageously strived to remain mulish in a situation which they were able to alter somewhat but were not able to take control.Everetts depiction of the Texas Cherokees experiences fully supported the thesis presented. The thesis was clearly state in the preface and the use of specific examples helped to strongly support it as portrayed below. The arguments were followed with supporting statements as portrayed below as well. Everett presents us with a fair, two sided account of the confrontations between the Texas Cherokees and the European settlers.One component of the thesis Everett relates to the Cherokees caught between white settlers pushin g westward and resistance from other tribes to the east. Everett gives several examples of Europeans pushing the Cherokees westward. In 1817, the Western Cherokees signed a treaty giving up land rights in the east to Europeans in exchange for permanent reserve in northern Arkansas. (Everett 14) She also demonstrates the resistance received from western tribes. &8220Warfare with Comanches would replace warfare with Osages. (Everett 25) Both statements are examples of how the Texas Cherokees were literally &8220caught between two fires and was very effective.Another aspect of the thesis relates the Texas Cherokees caught between removal and extermination. Everett strongly supports this aspect of the thesis when she gives the example of the new president of the Republic of Texas sending a letter to Duwali&8217s village. It states that &8220the red man and the white man cannot dwell together and goes on to say, &8220their final removal is contemplated. (Everett 103) This statement alon e describes the European feelings toward the red man. It proves how Europeans retract to negotiate with &8220savages and will use force if they do not cooperate.The third topic of the thesis Everett attempts to prove deals with the determination of the Texas Cherokees to attempt to control the situations they were faced with. It is stated that five hundred warriors took part in the final battle Chief Duwali would fight in. (Everett 108) This proves the determination in the Cherokees hearts. Instead of giving up and moving east they decided to take a stand with overwhelming odds against them.
Cherokees :: essays research papers
ThesisThe fierce struggle of European nations to dominate the New World caused the Texas Cherokees to be &8220caught between two fires. The two fires Everett refers to is not only in respect to white settlers push button westward and resistance from other tribes to the einsteinium, but between removal and extermination. The Texas Cherokees courageously strived to remain determined in a situation which they were able to alter somewhat but were not able to take control.Everetts depiction of the Texas Cherokees experiences fully supported the thesis presented. The thesis was clearly stated in the preface and the use of specific examples helped to strongly support it as portrayed below. The arguments were followed with supporting statements as portrayed below as well. Everett presents us with a fair, two sided account of the confrontations between the Texas Cherokees and the European settlers.One component of the thesis Everett relates to the Cherokees caught between white settlers pushing westward and resistance from other tribes to the east. Everett gives several examples of Europeans pushing the Cherokees westward. In 1817, the Western Cherokees signed a treaty tolerant up land rights in the east to Europeans in exchange for permanent reserve in northern Arkansas. (Everett 14) She also demonstrates the resistance received from western tribes. &8220Warf be with Comanches would replace warfare with Osages. (Everett 25) Both statements are examples of how the Texas Cherokees were literally &8220caught between two fires and was very effective.Another aspect of the thesis relates the Texas Cherokees caught between removal and extermination. Everett strongly supports this aspect of the thesis when she gives the example of the new prexy of the Republic of Texas sending a letter to Duwali&8217s village. It states that &8220the red man and the white man cannot dwell together and goes on to say, &8220their final removal is contemplated. (Everett 103) This statement altogether describes the European feelings toward the red man. It proves how Europeans refuse to negotiate with &8220savages and will use force if they do not cooperate.The third topic of the thesis Everett exertions to prove deals with the determination of the Texas Cherokees to attempt to control the situations they were faced with. It is stated that five hundred warriors took part in the final battle Chief Duwali would fight in. (Everett 108) This proves the determination in the Cherokees hearts. Instead of giving up and moving east they decided to take a stand with overwhelming odds against them.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Literature Review on “An Echo in the Bone†by Denis Scott
On May 1974, the first performance of Dennis Scotts An Echo in the Bone was staged by the Drama Society at the University of the wolfram Indies Mona campus in Jamaica. The range deals with the destructive impact slavery has left on the history of Afro West Indians. Scotts aim, by dint of and through this play, is to reclaim and re fix the past lost to our ancestors as well as the voice taken from them, that merely stands today as an echo in the bone.Though he aspires to recreate the history of then enslaved, he in addition acknowledges that the past should not hold possession over ones self but act as a guided to not quote past mistakes. He focuses on the finish of enslavement and its transition to post emancipation while using the thematic issues of racial prejudice, the supernatural, gender roles in baseball club and the repercussions of history. He sees the past as a guide to fully actualizeing ones true identity and culture, a view many of his generation holds in soaring regard as opposed to the modern generation who believes the past should remain in the past.With at that place being limited and somewhat biased credit of the period of enslavement, Scott intricate oral traditions and folklore animate his play to life with a sense of emotional and spiritual understanding. The title itself is a play on words and the play is written in colloquial language in Jamaican dialect and is centered on the murder of Mr. Charles, a whitened estate owner, whose death occurs night club days prior to the beginning of the play, presumably at the hands of a black peasant farm owner popularly known as Crew.In the hunt to capture Crew, his shirt and machete were found by the river bed, covered with blood. It is this evidence that leads to the conclusion by his wife, Rachel, that Crew is dead. In accordance with her cultural tradition, Rachel decides to keep a nine night for her deceased husband. The play is engraft in Jamaica, in an old dilapidated sugar barn beh ind Crews house in the year 1937 during the post-colonial era. The italics in the play represent a prelude of the events that will occur in the play, as well as, the stage directions.A nine night or set up is a ritualistic ceremony concerning the celebration of life and death. The Jamaican Negroes believe that for nine nights after death, the ghost rises out of the grave and returns to its familiar haunts states Martha Beckwith in Black Roadways. Its origin is sourced from Africa though it incorporates Christian elements and is performed to encourage the deceased spirit to move on. Rum plays a very significant role in a nine night as it is used to appease the rooming spirits of loved ones states Mango Salute writer, Nadya-Kaye Phillips.Scott uses the nine night as an avenue to answer the receptive questions Crew has left behind by the act of spiritual possession. He brilliantly manipulates the characters of the play to transport the audience to the past and present to fully unders tand the history of the enslaved and his need to recreate it and further more reclaim it. Through this possession the voices of the dead speak through the bodies of the living. It is during the opening scene that Crews spirit manifests itself through Dream Boat after rum is spilt at the home of the deceased.In Jamaican folklore, the breaking of glass is seen as a bad omen. When the spirit takes hold of dreamboat, brothel keeper uses the light of a candle and oil to free dreamboat of the apparition. Scott uses stage conventions and props to portray of light versus darkness. Light may act as a copy of life and nature as opposed to the darkness of death and the unknown. Sonson, Crews first son, after putting on the clothes of his diseased father, became his fathers vessel to host. These props assistance in authenticating the play as it relates to the financial background of the main characters in the present.Primogeniture is the right, by law or custom, of the firstborn child to in herit the family estate, in taste sensation to siblings, it is a practice commonly done in African Societies. The first barn male is treated specially as he will be the patriarch of the family should the existing patriarch die or is un commensurate to perform his responsibility due to mental or physical health issues. This part of African culture makes Sonson the best character to be the medium through which Crew communicates. It is after this possession, that the audience is transported through time and space to a ship, docked off an African coast.The use of auditory imagery is consistent in the play through subjects of the drum being beaten by Rattler as well as being heard along the dock on the coast of Africa when transported to the past. In this episode, Scott successfully multiplies his characters personalities without having additional cast, to integrate in this scene. Through this enactment we are able to see the opposing perspectives of slavery.We see the perpetual voicel essness of the enslaves through the historical perspective of the tribal warfare among rivalling tribes in Africa who sold prisoners of war into slavery and that of their white oppressors in European society through the writings of Bryan Edwards and the Slave traders aboard the sea vessel on scene. The irony of this scene as it relates to the voiceless of the enslaved occurs through the violent act of Rattlers tongue being cut off in the past and Rattler in the present being a mute, here in addition we see Scotts genius use of characterization. Visual imagery portrays the harsh reality that the enslaved endured being captured, bought and sold like animals, this same reality that European authors dilute to create a false preconception.The play successfully links historical events with subjective fictionionalization which clearly depicts the seen and the unseen, the heard and the silenced. The names of few the characters can be compared with these characters personality. Stone for in stance has been described as strong, almost as strong as Crew, however, Stone as well as other nine characters were given multiple personalities which meant that there was no individual characterization. This is better understood in the production of the play which was performed by only black characters who would where white masks to represent white characters.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Levis Business Report
REPORT FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF LEVIS STRAUSS LADIES JEANS FOR EDGARS RETAIL STORES To Directors of Edgars, This report serves to provide information about Levis Strauss Jeans which we wish to sell through your retail stores, Edgars. Levis Strauss is a clothing line which has the potential to become very popular, especially once our impudent line of ladies jeans is introduced into the commercialise. Target Market Although the target securities industry for our Jeans is bound to women, the popularity and demand for Jeans is increasing by the day.The consumers would be able to wear Jeans in a casual manner with a shirt for their every day errands, and they would as well as be able to wear them slightly more dressed up with a blazer for work. Jeans are a piece of clothing that are worn out by every class of people for almost every occasion and this would put us at an advantage in the current market. Previously, Jeans were thought to be only for workers, cowboys, and so on However, the consumer demand has shifted from the durability of jeans to the flair of jeans. Materials UsedThe materials needed to make the jeans would be denim, cotton, zips buttons, rivets and thread for embroidery of the brand nominate. These can be obtained with ease more or less South Africa which will lower our cost price as we will not need to import materials in order to produce the jeans. This will supply us to provide the jeans at a lower and more competitive price, therefore attr spelling more consumers to your stores. Possible Challenges and Strategies One of the challenges that we, as the manufacturers of the jeans, face is the threat of new entrants into the market and the threat of substitutes.Our generation consists of many young, innovative and enthusiastic designers who could possible introduce a new brand of denim jeans into the market. This could excessively tie in with the threat of substitutes as there are literally hundreds of lines that offer jeans as one of thei r products such as Guess, Sissy Boy, Free 2 b U, and RT to name but a few. In order to overcome this challenge we would need to ensure that our product has a high level of differentiation, meaning that it would need to tie-up out against the other brands of denim jeans.We could do this by using edgy advertisements. For example, women wearing nothing but the jeans themselves but with shadows covering the necessities such as breasts etc. This will attract women to the jeans as it implies that the jeans will give them sex appeal. We would also need to emphasise what makes our jeans different by showing their authenticity, originality, variety, quality, and their unique fit. Our jeans are also offered at a premium price and would be easily accessible to consumers as many people shop at Edgars stores.It could also be emphatic that our jeans are classic yet still modern and they can be worn for comfort as well as style. Table showing substitutes chosen if Levis Jeans were not available (Calculated on 120 respondents) Brand Percentage of Respondents Sissy Boy 61% Guess 15% Free 2 b u 17% RT 7% Levis Jeans can be considered as a style instead of just a fashion or a trend. A fashion and a trend grow slowly in the market but eventually the sales begin to decline.It is considered a style as, although jeans may not evermore be the most popular choice of clothing, they will always come back into fashion and beget the potential to make a come-back in the market of the fashion industry. Another possible challenge would be that our brand could struggle internationally and this could affect its popularity locally. However, we have adopted the motto think local and act global. This ensures the potential consumer that the product is of good quality yet it can still be sold at a competitive and reasonable price.There have been some complaints of our jeans tearing in some places on Hello Peter, however, we have made an effort to strengthen our product physically by improving our drudgery process and testing the strength of certain garments in a batch to ensure that the products provided are of the highest quality possible Conclusion After conscientious market segmentation, efforts in improving the product and in-depth analysis of the market, we believe that our product would be a valuable addition to your range of products sold at your retail stores.With careful marketing strategies, innovative thinking and continuous attention given to the consumer needs, Levis Strauss could add to your stores success. Please consider our proposal favourably. Regards, Kirsty Smit Levis Strauss CEO References * http//www. scribd. com/doc/31538621/Project-report-on-starting-a-new-business-Comfort-Jeans * http//www. madehow. com/Volume-1/Blue-Jeans. hypertext mark-up language * http//www. uvm. edu/shali/Levi. pdf * http//www. cleanclothes. org/betterbargain/946-case-file-levi-strauss-a-co * http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Levi_Strauss All of the above websites were visi ted on the 4th of October 2012.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Tora: an emblem of New Woman
Ibsen was a powerful Norwegian playwright who left no rock-and-roll unturned to explore all the critical problems of the society right from his Pillars of the Society ,Ghosts to The Enemy of People. Ibsen was really disturbed to find that women were being turned into mere gewgaws of the category ,to decorate the house, to nod at every odd proposal put forth by her husband, i.e, the master of the household, to dance to his tune all the time to withstand the peace and harmony of home intact. He was such aggrieved to observe this unhealthy balance ,that he composed the brilliant play A hisss House, considered to be one of the best plays that marks a new epoch in the history of womens emancipation.Ibsen himself wrote The married woman in the play ends by having no idea of what is right or wrong natural feeling on the hand and belief in authority on the other have all in all bewildered her.A woman cannot be herself in the society of the present day ,which is an exclusively masculine so ciety ,with laws framed by men and with a judicial system that judges feminine conduct from a masculine point of view.Cf. Ibsen, HenrikNotes for the Modern Tragedy Hence, Ibsen was very much aware of the fact that the hold woman-cum-wife was invariably looked down upon by the male chauvinistic husband. Why not look at Nora Helmer and her position in the household from close quarters?In the very first act , when she enters with a load of parcels in her hand and interacts with her husband Torvald , she is addressed at least more than once as featherbrain, forgetful person so forth. It may be so taken for granted that Torvald driven by the unalloyed passion of love for her wife addresses her in like terms. So far as songbird , doll-wife go that may have some significance. But, when Torvald unhesitatingly utters, You wouldnt believehow much it costs a man when hes got a little songbird like you, his dormant chauvinism suddenly pops up to the open. Does he not mean to belittle the labo r his wife is incessantly putting in to run the household smoothly , that too, not in expectation of any material gain for herself in turn? Yes, he does, whether he intends to mean so or not.In Act One itself, it becomes crystal clear to us that Nora loved her husband so deeply that she never hesitated to forge a document when it came to the decision of saving her husbands life. She even confessed of working as a copywriter for sometime working late into the dark burning her midnight oil and energy.Why? TO SAVE HER HUSBANDS PRECIOUS LIFEAnd what did she get in turn?Noras interaction with Mr. Krogstad too was not break of the necessities of profession. The letter that he left shoving her to the brink of destruction was rectified later on by another letter of contrition. But , the matters had tuned worse by then. Our interview to the playwright is ,if Nora got the taste ofearning like a man by copywriting wherefore did she not continue with it and accrue some sort of self-complace ncy by visual perception herself dependent? Perhaps, the subjugation of women in that era for which Mary Wollstonecraft and others of that period fought was stifling her to death from within Knowingly, unknowingly, or whateverMr. Krogstad at one point started fractious Nora to influence her husband for retaining him as his subordinate in the bank. T presentafter, this sneaking man went to such a daring extent that Nora could not disown him, knowing all-embracing well that this man was more venomous than a viper. Mr. Krogstad started blackmailing Nora with such incriminating statements like,Your father died on the twenty-ninth of September. But look at this your father has date his signature the second of October. Isnt that a curious thing, Mrs. Helmer?Nora is silentCan you explain it?A Dolls House,Act OneNora was caught into the snare and lastly when the act of unintentional forgery stood clear to Torvald in Act Three and he hit the roof ,accusing his doll-wife with harsh words , Nora had every reason to give vent to her pent-up hurt feelings. She tangle humiliated when Torvald pointed rude and naked finger to her dead fathers moral failings and detested her for inheriting so. Was it not the most heinous form of heraldic bearing? Torvald could demean her , could call her names even, but was it really ethical of him as a son-in-law to bring down the house at the expense of his dead father-in-laws moral turpitude? That might be utterly baseless evenEven after such humiliation Nora could utter , Ive loved you more than anything in the world. Torvald cast aspersions on her by calling her liar, hypocrite even worse, a criminal. She had inherited her fathers ambitionless denotation by proving herself irreligious, immoral, irresponsible Nora went on listening all the odorous, obnoxious accusations maintaining her cool. And , even when Torvald thundered, And Im brought so pitifully low all because of a shiftless woman she remained surprisingly calm rejoining ha rdly, Once Im step to the fore of the way, youll be free.Torvald went a step further and snowballed his unguarded comment, You will remain here in my house that goes without sayingbut I shall not allow you to bring up my children.I shouldnt dare trust you with them, then could any maternal sentiment remain untouched ? Noras heart too bled profusely at such ruthless utterance. That was why, it took hardly a few seconds for her to decide to crack the door on her husbands face at lastWhen the letter of repentance or redress reached Torvald, he in the same exacting tone spoke out, Nora, Im saved.Nora in a passive tone inquired of her position, And I? With intense passion,Torvald said, You too of course. After such mindless , slothful humiliation , how could Torvald be so inane to belt out the words, Ive forgiven you..?We are surprised to see Nora turning back to look stern at him , thus intimidating him. Nora pulled up all her courage to blurt out on his face, Youve never loved me, youve only found it pleasant to be in love with me.Therafter , Nora went on expatiating her restrained attitude in some(prenominal) her fathers house and later at her husbands . She admitted of dancing to both her fathers and husbands tunes , as the cases might have been. Later on with much conviction the revelation dawned upon her, You and Papa have affiliated a grievous sin against me its your fault that Ive made nothing of my life.She never had the courage to express her own opinion. Now she mustered her guts to handle out and think independently with her own grey cells Now she was not hesitant to say that she was never happy at Torvalds , but only gay. Nora felt the need of educating herself, she was keen on standing on her own feet ,if she was to know herself and the world outside. Her tongue did not falter to utter, Thats why I cant stay here with you any longer.This daring statement could only suffice to bring a New Woman out of conventional Nora ,a doll-wife ,in the era when voicing a protest against a husband was simply next to impossible Nora lastly hit the bulls plaza by saying that life could hardly be a real marriage for a couple who pretended all he time to be HAPPYIt was the greatest miracle of all when Nora left the house slamming the door behind. The house appeared EMPTY to Torvald.We were being prepared throughout the play for this final action from Nora. Her unrequited love for her husband , for her family shoved her to the edge of utter denial . The children for whom she spent her last farthing to buy the costliest Christmas gift , too, could not be trusted with her Such utterance group her desperate, insane and her decision seemed appropriate.However inane it might appear at the outset, it brought to the fore a revolutionary and protesting self of a woman who hated demeaning her womanhood.As economic freedom happened to be a significant criterion of a free woman , will it be very wrong to say that Nora of Ibsen foreshadowed Lily Bris coe of Virginia Woolf or her thought of an earning woman as a New Woman as appeared in her A Room of ones Own?As in later days we find Michele Foucault arguing about self-refusal rather than self-discovery,by which he meant to say that to become what she was not at the beginning.Thus, the concept of New Woman which was winning shape with Mother Courage of Brecht or Wife of Bath of Chaucer even much earlier found a veritable shape in Nora Helmer. Nora was genuinely justified to rise up in arms against the abominable subjugation inflicted on her and Ibsen was assiduously preparing the audience right from Act One for such a finale.Of course, Nora had every right to chime in with a contemporary woman-poet, Anna Laetitia Barbauld,Yes,injured Womanrise, assert thy rightWomantoo long degraded , scorned, oppressedO born to rule in partial Laws despite,Resume thy native empire oer the breast.The Rights of WomanWorks Cited1.Ibsen , HenrikTr. Peter WattsA Dolls House and Other Plays, Penguin , England, 1965.2.Cole, Toby ed Playwrights on Playwriting,Colonial Press, USA, 1960.3.Pritchard, R.E.edPoetry by English Women ,Elizabethan to Victorian, Continuum, New York, 1990.4.Meyer, MichaelIbsen, Penguin, England, 1967.5, Gatting, Gary edThe Cambridge Comapanion to Foucault, CUP, New York, 1994.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Development and Growth of Verizon Wireles Essay
Verizon radio receiver aspires for manageable development as a wide merchandise attraction in wire slight attend to as rise as for dominance in major receiving set service markets. In both situations, the Verizon radio services leave alone have to do critical roles. Verizon wireless has the capability to establish its dominance in tuner service markets norm ally through acquisition of separate coercive wireless service companies and their services, which argon then integrated into a impertinently, bigger makeup. Giving training to its workers, enhancing the disposalal functions, and the development of fresh innovations then establishes the positions of the various Verizon radio set services. This syntheticly leads in economies of scale that empowers the comp either to form a supply network for both the local and global wireless services. If a market is being managed by an another(prenominal)(prenominal) grocery stores, Verizon Wireless dedicates its priorities rega rding the establishment of a premium sector with its different wireless services.The goal of Verizon Wireless is to sustain the favourableness of the order in a manageable way, small-arm at the same time consistently enhancing the organizations operations. The tactics to attain this includes four aspects1.Working knotty in order to attain a dominant aim in powerful wireless service markets2.Emphasizing on getting a great piece of ground of the wireless service market sectors.3.Striving in order to enhance the organizations efficacy and limit unnecessary expenses in their activities.4.Consistent development through logical mergers for as long as they argon able to establish great shareholder value.In the year 2006, Verizon Wireless was able to experience tremendous melioration in various essential metrics. The inventory was limited from above $50 one thousand thousand down to at a lower place $30 million and inventory turns increased from to a lower place 15 to to a greater extent than 25. The expenses of profits, not including the advantage from past miscellaneous expenses and the implement part of the amortization of untouchable resources, went down from above 70% of earnings to below 70% of earnings. The integration of sales and marketing, researchand technological changes, and general and operational costs was limited from almost $ 400 million down to almost $350 million, while at the same time enhancing on the speed of changes. Verizon Wireless total earnings are estimated to have grown from ba deposit reaching $1 million in the late 20th century to almost $ 900 million last year.B. SWOT Analysis of Verizon WirelessStrengthshas wireless technologies and services that have a reputation for gaining a very strong retail. This involves an emphasis for the value of quality, comfort and various range of games and updated wireless technologies and serviceshas expanded tremendously everyplace the past years, and has been in the mapping of growth all ov er the world.Primary capability relies on the use of development technology (IT) to significantly aid its wireless services and systems. In short, Verizon Wireless can monitor their individual wireless services and their status in spite of appearance the site, or even at other locations. IT also aids Verizon Wireless dainty able to stick out sharp client satisfaction, as the few levels of work would imply lots of time to dedicate to their clients.Its personnel have formulated a powerful legacy within the market.Has the capability to shift direction immediately if its management realizes that their marketing plan is not working properly.has no debts and financial losses. In short the organization can provide glorious wireless technologies and services to clients on a continuous basis.Weaknessesis one of the biggest organizations in the wireless service industry but has a meager control of its organization, in spite of its advantages in updated wireless technolog ies. This could result to a decline in profitability in round locations where they have lesser managerial powers.Since Verizon Wireless sells its wireless services and technologies over different markets, the organization does not possess the versatility that some of its recognise rival companies have.Functions al over the world, but its existence can be found in only selected areas all over the worldSome of the organizations less famous locations do not possess market legacy or reputationSome of the organizations employees do not possess the meaning(a) wireless service knowledge base in many aspects.Verizon Wireless is still severely hampered to the temporary absences of its employees.The organizations reckon is unstable especially in the early aspects of a new wireless service product innovation.OpportunitiesTaking over, acquisitions, or establishing mergers with other wireless service organizations while prioritizing on powerful markets like North America or Europe.The establ ishment of new locations and branches provide Verizon Wireless the chances to look for market improvements. This could result to the diversification of the companys branches.Chances are present for Verizon Wireless to go on with its existing tactic of founding huge extensions all over the globe.Verizon Wireless is continuously growing, with lots of future developments to explore for success.The local personnel of Verizon Wireless are in the process of persuading local wireless service ancestry entities to join them if possible.The rivals of Verizon Wireless may be uneffective to cope up with the new wireless service innovations particularly the ones that the organizationestablishes.ThreatsBeing a extend wireless service organization means that Verizon Wireless is the one to beat in both local and global markets.Being recognized worldwide implies that Verizon Wireless might be immersed to political chaos in the nations where the company has operations.The manufacturing expenses o f most wireless services have the chance to decline because of the limited manufacturing costs. Production expenses go down due(p) to the outsourcing to low-cost countries all over the world. This situation could result to fighting in prices, which in turn would lead in the fall of prices in different levels. Tremendous price rivalry must(prenominal)(prenominal) absolutely be classified as a threat.The current changes in wireless service technology which could probably alter the markets might test the organizations capability to cope up to these developmentsA slight change in the priority of a huge rival might destroy any market dominance that Verizon Wireless has attained over its existence. This could lead the organization to specialize in quick response but excellent quality wireless services to local companies. This would place intense pres reliable on the organizations employees to be knowledgeable with the current developments in wireless services where possible.C. outer E nvironmentThe wireless service industry can be found at one of the biggest suburban areas and the most densely populated areas all over the globe. Therefore, this implies that with regards to the territorial reserve elements, Verizon Wireless has been able to properly select an environment or site that may join tremendous potential for the wireless service industry to be come famous.The market segments in America represent Verizon Wireless biggest sales and marketing networks which cover local and domestic stores and mass markets. Suppliers represent Verizon Wireless game biggest American network and normally sell to both custom and online markets. In Europe and NorthAmerica, Verizon Wireless market share remains significantly high. It controls more than 50 global stores found all over the world.The organization also utilizes Internet shops as a place to sell its products. This is done through the recitation of Internet advertisements and product discounts. The organization has the power to establish awareness of its products and other technologies through media announcements, international communication initiatives and Verizon Wireless based online services. The organization also makes sure to get opinions from its consumers through consumer studies. The organization then utilizes these opinions to polish its product enhancement initiatives and marketing programs.D. SWOT Analysis EvaluationBased on the SWOT Analysis on Verizon Wireless, budget management is the largest concern for the company. The proper means of using the budget must be carefully analyzed by the company. The study of promoting intentions has to be done due to the feedback that can state the organization as to what promotional tools are the correct ones to use. These assessment outcomes can secure Verizon Wireless from wasting its financial resources for the incorrect promotional tools and procedures.Monitoring or assessment involves the application of tools to evaluate promotional appro priateness. The plan can be assessed with regards to the development in sales that is attained at a quarterly and yearly basis. This would immediately connect to the goal of establishing demand and improving sales. Nevertheless, it is essential to put into emphasis that it can be hard to manage for other elements that are likely to bear effects in the market industry, which include the choices of rival companies to improve prices, a change in client likes, or a shift in the entire demand.Luckily, other tools can be utilized to evaluate promotional appropriateness, which connects upon the variance of the marketing goals that have been mentioned earlier. For instance, surveys can be done, which beg regarding the wireless services, identify any development in behaviours regarding the wireless services, and identify whether or not there has been a development in client information or awareness of the wireless services.E. Corporate Level Strategy AnalysisThe primary goal of the corporat e level outline of Verizon Wireless is to guarantee that the company will be recognized in the industry as a line of products entity that gives excellent wireless services for its target market. Aside from this, Verizon Wireless has the corporate representation to determine the most effective strategy to be utilized in order to transform the wireless service industry into becoming more recognized by the public consumers.Verizon Wireless has four primary corporate strategiesA)Manage its position as one of the primary businesses regarding wireless services. Being the leader of the wireless service industry will propel Verizon Wireless to earn the respect and trust of its customers. Therefore, the organization will have the power to widen its functions through the acquisition of other wireless service organizations.B)Become more financially stable than other wireless service organizations. The raw technologies that are being used in the production of wireless services have to be abl e to attain excellent standards. If this is achieved, Verizon Wireless will have the capability to become more financially stable as against other rival wireless service organizations.C)Establish an excellent wireless service technology profile, with Verizon Wireless as the global label of flagship andD)Establishing its detacheddom. Being a free organization will enable Verizon Wireless to go on with its reputation of excellence in both its wireless services and products by establishing fresh innovations and measures.F. demarcation Level Strategy AnalysisIn the situation of Verizon Wireless, its business level strategy that it utilizes to propel itself in the wireless service industry involves the utilization of advertisements. To be able to inform the target of the organization regarding the presence of the wireless service industry, Verizon Wireless utilizes media advertising, online and other media and news advertisements. These marketing procedures are supportive to propel Ver izon Wireless at the top of the wireless serviceindustry.Business Level Strategies PriorityThe primary emphasis of the business level strategy is to enable Verizon Wireless to be recognized in the market. In order to attain this, the utilization of an excellent business plan through an effective business interaction plan is unceasingly put into emphasis. In addition, interaction is an essential element of the company. Through excellent communication, Verizon Wireless is able to transfer knowledge and learn from each others capabilities and knowledge.In this specific business level strategy of Verizon Wireless, the essential aspect that is given priority is the advertisement and interactive campaign of the company. Normally, advertisement or interactive campaigns of Verizon Wireless are well known as an open sponsorship of given goods, products and any concepts through the utilization of any channels of interaction. In this respect, there are various types of channels that are uti lized for advertisements and interactive campaign objectives of Verizon Wireless. Generally, in this IMC perspective, the emphasis is put on advertisement and wireless services promotion.Business Level Strategy By SegmentThe excellent business level strategy of Verizon Wireless reflects a continuous process and style to all its activities. The business level strategies of the company arrive to signify the new emphasis of its marketing field in incorporating the interactive elements to connect to all of the companys clients and not just its basic consumers (Levinson, 1998). Aside from this the business level strategy proceeds with the objective of determining and improving the mutual connection of the organization to its clients by giving means to establish relationship with clients through advertisements.The accustomed consumer market of Verizon Wireless involves international clients and local clients as well. In this way, in order to guarantee that the target market is able to k now the presence of Verizon Wireless, the business level strategy utilized by the company is putting priority to each of the target market in both local and global scenes. quarterly Business Level Strategy- SalesIn this business level strategy, Verizon Wireless implements the marketing procedure in attaining interactions and promotion of the organization and the wireless services that it gives. This business level strategy is implemented quarterly. In performing this, the following interactive media is usedTV, print, and communication mediaSome of the marketing channels that are normally utilized by Verizon Wireless in order to make their wireless services well known are the TV, print, and communication media. In connection with the company, it also utilizes these media channels in order to be recognized by various clients anytime and in any place.AdvertisingA very famous process of promotion used by Verizon Wireless is through advertisements. Advertisements of the company are very expensive but like all marketing plans, it is not classified as a cost but an asset by the company. The expenses for excellent advertisements may be significantly high but the good outcomes are all worth it for Verizon Wireless (Silk, 2006). Advertisement is the right approach for Verizon Wireless for the corresponding reason of improving awareness and making an impact towards client perceptions. Also, advertisement through media can be felt by larger groups of people all over the world, therefore the information is transferred to a larger part of the target market of Verizon Wireless.Quarterly Business Level Strategy- Public RelationsPublic relations and publicity are different plans established by Verizon Wireless to inform or secure the organizations reputation or its wireless services. The benefit of this mechanism is that it improves the organizations reputation and it allows Verizon Wireless to be recognized due to the excellent image than its rivals. In this way, Verizon Wir eless often does a publicly connected endeavor every quarter to guarantee that the organization follows its social roles in the site. One of the excellent means to implement this is through sponsorship. The company often sponsors a well-known(a) organization every quarter.G. Structure and Control Systems AnalysisA matrix framework overlays twocompany forms in order to exhibit the advantages of both. Some world companies implement a matrix framework that mixes territorial with product teams. The product-based framework enables Verizon Wireless to explore world economies of scale, whereas the territorial framework manages information close to the necessities of each and every nation.The company also possesses degrees of matrix framework, implying that every divisional team of Verizon Wireless has particular roles, but some topics must be decided in unison crossways all of these teams. Rather than mixing two separate frameworks, some matrix frameworks overlap an operational framework with project groups. Workers at Verizon Wireless are tasked to a cross-operational project group, yet they also belong to an established operational group to which they come back when a project is finished (Cameron, 2004).The matrix framework of Verizon Wireless is implemented through the hiring and reanimatement of new workers whose knowledge and work ethics jive with the culture. Verizon Wireless was going into a new market that will recruit a number of highly qualified people from other organizations to support the new initiatives. The matrix framework of Verizon Wireless organizational structure may assume for getting new workers aboard. This procedure usually happens immediately after the workers are recruited, and may be a means to slowly teach the different working(a) teams with a new culture.A matrix framework is implemented systematically or informally, probably through training of new workers or through a sequence of interactions to current workers at Verizon Wireless. A matrix framework is helpful in the company and management of shared value mechanisms (Hiatt, 2003). Therefore, culture at Verizon Wireless is shared through obvious or invisible ways and studies indicate that invisible means of interaction seem to be more efficient in altering culture than visible means of interaction and the visible and invisible interaction is depended on to give outside justification for the matrix framework and bring forward company workers at Verizon Wireless to adjust to the new company practices and ethics.Nelson (2005) mentions that there are three fundamental procedures of decision-making the top-down method, the democratic method, and thesubculture method. Top-down or implemented decision-making does not normally happen in the company structure of Verizon Wireless, because their management knows that it normally leads in developments that are hard to manage, even though they may be effortless to tell to the employees. In short, they know that top-down methods may lead in forced compliance from the employees of Verizon Wireless, but in reality they do not totally agree to it. Therefore, Verizon Wireless implements the democratic methods to decision-making which are hard and eat up a lot of time, but the dedication and trust to the development is more effective than an altered work setting which enhances outputs and results of Verizon Wireless.Procedures of assessment of the decision-making structure of Verizon Wireless involves monitoring, evaluating the efficiency, or comparison of basic elements with original aspects determine during the inner company investigation. A development in the major frequency mixed with a dormancy of company efficiency at Verizon Wireless could imply that the major factors were not identified properly. The culture, in short, has developed with low or negative effects on company efficiency. It is clear, nevertheless, that culture can either support or significantly determine a selected tactic and furt her comprehension of cultural inspirations may be tantamount to entire comprehension of efficient strategic development.H. RecommendationsMajority of the triumphant activities of Verizon Wireless rely tremendously on excellent interpersonal interaction and relationship among the individuals and the entire company. Bounded with a unified objective, the control of developments at Verizon Wireless must be continuously coordinated with the individuals that will benefit or workers that will immediately feel the impacts. Discussing the objective of development at Verizon Wireless must be always important. Interaction is the highly recommended way that the managers at Verizon Wireless must use.Obtaining the trust of the employees at Verizon Wireless and managing a smooth professional relationship must always be emphasized, because it is always a critical factor to an excellent flow of company functions. But all these will be put to naught if topics and dilemmas brought slightly by improp er governance and added with the misunderstandings between managers and workersof Verizon Wireless will emerge along the way.Handling the interaction and knowledge that Verizon Wireless utilizes in its everyday functions must be prioritized in the company. Knowledge is the blood stream of the organization on which every worker employee and manager strive on. It must be utilized in order to attain the needs of the customers of Verizon Wireless. This is the reason why there must be always an appropriate interaction and knowledge management flow within the company.Also, the impact of a development affects workers of Verizon Wireless as well as the company for a long period of time. The necessities and traits must be always taken into consideration in interacting planning and making choices within Verizon Wireless (Rickards, 1999). Direct communication between the management and the workers must be effective enough to provide solutions to problems and potential threats to the employees of Verizon Wireless particularly on the issues and results of the desired development. Interaction between and among the employees and managers of the Verizon Wireless must be always emphasized in order to give a well-operating company function within and outside its limits.WORKS CITEDCameron, E, 2004. Making Sense of alter Management A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools & Techniques of Organizational Change. Kogan PageHiatt, J, 2003. Change Management. Prosci ResearchLevinson, J, 1998. Guerrilla selling Secrets for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business. Houghton Mifflin 3rd editionNelson, K, 2005. The Change Management Pocket Guide. Change Guides, LLCRickards, T, 1999. Creativity and the Management of Change. Blackwell Publishing LimitedSilk, A, 2006. What Is Marketing? Harvard Business School Press
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Best Place To Live
Where is the best posture to grow up and why? We can easily become biased and unwaveringly think the U. S. , but what do we really know about different countries and their cultures, or how they affect us developmentally? There are many factors to take into consideration such as keep expectancy, standard of living, and education. That is why Sweden is ranked number one on the Childrens Index ranking, making the country the best place to grow up Children in Sweden are among the few in the world who are safe from abuse as they are well protected by the law from slapping, smacking, pinching, hair-pulling, whipping, or any form of abuse.It is considered a criminal offense to beat a baby bird. By comparison, in the United States alone, by the time a child is 2 years old, nine in ten parents have engaged in some sort of abuse and more than half of parents have slapped or spanked their children and trinity of parents have pushed, grabbed or shoved their children (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2011). These forms of abuse have a great impact on children as abused children show a high incidence of personal and tender problems, low performance levels in school and low self-esteem.Typically, abused children are less attached to their parents, less knowing with friends, tend to withdraw and have the tendencies to become more aggressive and angry (Moylan et al. , 2010). Later on, they are at a greater risk for delinquency, risky cozy behavior and substance abuse (Sousa et al. , 2011). Swedish law ensures that children are protected and their rights are defended. These laws help to minimize and decrease the number of abused children, protecting them not only physically, but mentally and developmentally. Sweden uses some of its tax money to make sure children are looked after properly.As with most families, both parents work and children are in mean solar day care. In Sweden, day care is free and each set of parents receive 480 days of paid parental leave per child to stay hearthstone with their children until the age of 8 This offers a two- fold advantage for both parents and children. Studies have reported several positive aspects of day care. Some studies show that children in day care are more social, tend to share their toys, dis renovate self-confidence and are more outgoing. Results also conclude that children in day care construct higher in cognitive skills than those who are at home.(Belsky et al. ,2007).There are some limitations within these case studies but the fact remains that many families need to place their children in day care which can be very costly. Providing paid parental leave also gives parents the opportunity to stay home with their children to continue the mad bond while establishing secure attachment. Most parental leave is taken by mothers, but fathers are spending an increasing amount of time at home with their children. The more sensitive the father is to the child, the stronger the attachment. (Lucas sen et al. , 2011).From preschool onwards, children are encouraged to think independently and the Swedish tradition of preschool emphasizes the importance of play in a childs development and learning. At preschool the emphasis is on play. In many countries, including the US and the UK, there is a drive towards setting goals and assessing the progress of preschoolers but the Swedish system focuses more on basic values such as playing together and consideration for others. Play helps children develop motor skills and coordination. It also contributes to social development as children learn to share, take turns, and begin to engage in creative play.Piaget identified different kinds of play, characterized by cognitive complexity to include useful play, symbolic play, constructive play, and formal games (Rathus, 162). The preschool in Sweden not only holds to play in education but also to fantasy and creativity. The quality of pretend play is connected with preschoolers academic perform ance later on, and their social skills (Russ, 2006 Stagnitti st al. , 2000). Exercise is vital to a childs development and reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.Physically restless children have a better self- esteem and coping mechanisms yet most children in the U. S. are not physically fit. Keeping fit and enjoying the great surface are very much part of Swedish culture and schools shut for a weeks sports vacation in February each year, when many families gaffer north to ski as children play outside at every opportunity, even in the depths of winter. Children being protect, enjoying good health, free education, and an active social life contribute to Sweden finishing first in The Childrens Well- Being Index and convince me that Sweden is the best place to grow up.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Fear motivation Essay
If you remember the movie Office Space, you might remember this great line where scape (the guy trying to get fired) says If you motivate people by fear, they leave do just enough to get by and not get fired.This is the saddest of all(a) motivational factors. misgiving of rejection, fear of loss of respect, loss of money and country club status. Its related to the above motivations, but from a different perspective. flock who are motivated by fear are motivated from a position of having made it and are afraid of losing it. Its real difference is in its motivational power.Fear can be a strong motivator. . Its one of the oldest forms of motivation and one of the most powerfulin certain situations. Most fears right away are intangible fears. They are extremely powerful for the very reason that they are hard to find.Humans react to fear or threat in many ways, but those reactions can usually be divided up into the two categories of Fight or Flight. That is to say that when people a re threatened they will either attack the threat or run away from it. This of course can be do physically or mentally.As a incision to motivate people, fear has many disadvantages. Fear based motivation causes resentment resistance and revenge. It is seen for what it is, an attack. By its very nature, fear is not sustaining or sustainable without controvert consequences.People who are motivated by fear will seek ways to extricate themselves from the situation that causes the fear. This will not always be done by fulfilling the desire of the motivator.Threatening someone that they will be fired if they do not do their job correctly may fuck off an impact upon the person causing them to try to improve their performance. However, that motivation is based on external forces and it requires that someone always be there to impose the threat.Because of these things, Fear motivation is the weakest force in ourmotivation definitions list and is reserved for the week and uneducated indivi duals who attempts to gain power by force.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Benefits of intership
The benefit of Inter-agency partnerships Is work refers to when two or more agencies that deal the same Issues for fount wellness Issues where Hospital hobo work with the GAP. Some agencies could have some tuition almost a psyche that another doesnt or when a person is at an age where they can be concernd for better by one agency, this relationship eitherows them to be transferred.Be treated by different swear outs can benefit the service users because the service users can be sure that he as been checked by two regardful person and can be treated quickly. This could be a benefit for the service providers as vigorous because the second partnership can get all in all learning about the person without asking the person, they can get all Information about the person from the first partnership. Inter-agency partnerships for Elizabeth This report is based on Inter-agency functional together to provide Elizabeth hold to deal with her Alchemists disease.The agreement why I nter-agency are working is to financial aid Elizabeth and help her family with Alchemists and to provide support for both of hem. Agencies working together Health Visitor Health visitor for sure-enough(a) people is to promote the health and independence of older people living at home with difficulties. Elizabeth would invite the support off Health visitor because of her family that doesnt understand her and that they are no longer interested In her well- being. The main role of health visitor Is to provide a supportive health assessment and referral service for old people uniform Elizabeth.They also work with GAP and health care services. The Health visit Service for Older People aims o Support old people health and well being Help prevent ill health and its consequences Support patients living with long term conditions to facilitate license Provide up-to-date Information about help and services available so that patients, their families and careers can gift Informed decisions Access health needs and refer to additional services if required Provide careers with advice about the support that is available to them frequent practice (G.P) G. P are here to work for primary care and are part of a clinical commissioning group which have responsibilities for helping with healthcare from junior-grade healthcare providers, such(prenominal) as hospital and community and also Alchemists fraternity. Elizabeth would need the support of a General practice working with the Health visitor. Alchemists society This is an organization that leave behind work and support people with diseases such Dementia. They are all volunteers who are helping old people with Alchemists.Elizabeth would need their support and help for her disease. This society will also work with the both General practice and Health visitor to malting Elizabeth health Elizabeth with both aspect and understanding diagnosis and assessment to dealing with the financial challenges that she might be encounte r as she no longer lives with her family. Benefits The benefits of inter-agency partnerships working together for Elizabeth are that Alchemists society, the G. P and the health visitor are all working for her.This will benefits her and the all trine social and care system because they can get information about Elizabeth without her help. This will also benefit Elizabeth because she can get all the support by three different agencies and get treated quickly. Elizabeth will get all the support and help from different health service this will benefit her. Factor that preventing The main factors that prevent inter-agency collaboration relate to Elizabeth Alchemists might be communication within and between agencies, professional values and power relationships.Partner agencies in collaborative situations need to be treated as equals. Communication can be one of the factors that could prevent agencies working together, lack of communication, example if the health visitor doesnt give info rmation and doesnt communicate with the two other agencies that loud cause issues for Elizabeth, issues like the agencies cant get enough information and Elizabeth cant get in a good condition situation because agencies will delay the treatment because of one agency.Agencies might have difficulties in sharing information particularly mysterious information as well as cultural and professional differences between agencies can prevent them working together. Other factors that can prevent agencies working together are that if one agency gives only confine information about Elizabeth that can prevent agencies working together as hey wont get enough information about Elizabeth. Another reason which can prevent agencies from working together might be the reenforcement which can cause problems, like lack of money and couldnt help Elizabeth with her needs.If one of the agencies cant co-operate with other agencies because of any reason and this can prevent them working together example if the General practice doesnt feel well and cant find work with the other agencies. How to overcome and consider them Communication needs to be developed at all levels of operation both within each agency working with Elizabeth. Agencies need to find ways to break face to face and written communication.Procedures and practices should be integrated between agencies and Elizabeth. Discuss about the health overture of Elizabeth. Be equal and dont give preferences to one agency than the other. Conclusion Elizabeth had the help of the 3 agencies that worked together to support and help her with Alchemists. She had all the benefits of the agencies with her and agencies had benefits between because they have worked together for Elizabeth. They have overcome of what had prevented them working together.
Monday, May 20, 2019
The negative implication of a male nursing stereotype in the profession
Nursing as vocation involves the provision of cargon and support to the sickly, elderly, and the consent toing. It is perhaps due to the nature of roles and duties nurses are assigned to in the health care settings that make the commerce has become a victim of stereotypes. It is estimated that, everywhere 5. 0% of the registered nurses working in the US are priapics. Stereotypes arsehole be defined as the generalized perceptions and beliefs which people shake up about others as well towards objects or issues usually resulting into distortion or simplification of the fact.It can be manifested in the way people react to different situations, as well as towards situations and stimuli. Traditionally in the US, nursing had been a white young-bearing(prenominal) person dominated trade and any young-begetting(prenominal)s practicing as a nurse until very recently were considered as impostors and ill-conceived (Bachman, & Panzarine, 1998). This situation worsens depending on the ethnic back ground of the few practicing nurses. Sources of stereotypes differ widely depending on the implicit in(p) circumstances but usually they are from the way auberge was cultured into viewing nursing as a females only profession.The stereotypes have a deep root in tradition whereby some roles in the society especially those related to offering care were demarcated for females while those perceived to be hard would be allocated for males (Doona, 1986). Other possible reasons include the kind of skills involved, usually jobs involving skills seen as soft skills in the society call off for females and therefore the society naturally expects such tasks as care provision to be taken over by women while all tasks deemed as hard and involving lots skills are deemed as suitable for males (Pursey, & Luker, 1995).The stereotypes in male nursing have had great adverse effects on the profession as discussed by-line chapters. Denial of equal opportunity to promotion. Due to the stere otyping, males in some quarters have continued to suffer due to lack of recognition when it comes to promotions at work. Even when there are vacancies, males suffer and chances of females filing up those vacancies are usually higher than for men. That is usually is correlated with the existing stereotypes.Discrimination and harassment. Males in the nursing profession are much apparent to be discriminated upon due to the fact that they are usually fewer than their female counterparts and therefore do not have the bargaining power. This is worsened by the fact that, the senior concern may be entirely comprised of females something which makes it hard for the males to successfully agitate for equal treatment at work. In some cases, actually harassment as well as physical and verbal abuse has been reported.These reach the morale of the male nurses and it is a leading cause of males shunning the profession. Due to stereotypes, males continues to shun the profession and then denying the profession diversification of skills base as well as the opportunity for recruiting self motivated staff. question has proved that, in fields where a balance in gender exists, there are more likely to be recorded higher incidences of job satisfaction. Nurse shortage.The acute nurse shortage existence experienced in the US has to some degree been caused by the stereotypes which make the nursing a preponderating female profession. As a result, over half of the population is shut out from the field. Effectively the profession is left with one option of sourcing from only about a half is of the population. This has greatly affected the readiness of the profession to meet the public demand of nursing services leading to the government hiring from other countries. deplorable morale and motivation of practicing male nurses. The stereotypes have contributed low morale amongst male staff. This in turn has had ostracise effects on the overall job in that less motivated staff is less likely to deliver objectively in their jobs. On the other hand, low morale and lack of motivation amongst male nurses could have a bearing on the number of new males joining the profession since more males than females are likely to learn from the experience of their colleagues and shy away.On the other hand stereotypes make the male nurses to forswear the profession for more accommodating professions. This in turn results to shortage of nurses. Conclusion A lot of efforts have so far been initiated to address the above problem but there is still a read for fresh approaches. Possible solutions to the problem of male nurses stereotypes should involve the initiation of public awareness programs aimed at educating the society on the needs for an integrated nursing profession in terms of gender balance.There is excessively a need of career counselors to work towards eliminating the stereotyping of nursing as a female only profession. In practice, there is a need for health care pract itioners to shun the habit of overlooking the contribution of male nurses for how the latter are treated could affect how potential male nurses would view the profession. Finally there is a need for more females to take into male dominated fields as this would shun the stereotyping of some professions as females fields and others as males fields.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Racial Achievement Gap in the United States Essay
The racial exertion open up in the United States is the disciplineal disparities among various ethnic groups. It is more manifests in African-America and Hispanic. These ethnic groups happen because school-age childs of those race be more likely to receive let out grade in school, on their standardize test, even drop out of high school and is slight likely to even attend college. Each schoolchild is independent and gains more qualified opportunities as the comparable as other student who they attend school with. Throughout the American history, the improvement of citizenship in the educational organisation is the continual process comp be with the past, because the minority of the student is even more independent and is equal in the present. However, the odds-on economic bedcover and the different of the individual mightiness that has led the achievement gap grow in American society today. Over the last couple of years the united states student had make notable in acad emic achievement but however the racial gap endure the same.The favorable academic achievement is necessary to help the student gain the equal access to the education. For or so minorities the education would make them have the higher spending on effort, time and money. Particularly, some lower income family student who even give up their education due to financial problem, which lend them to lose the opportunity to tackle the higher education. According to the article written by Sabrina Travernise, which quote a study that found that gap in the standardized test scores between affluent and lower income students had grown by above 40 percent since the 1960s. The racial gap testing is now double between the blacks and whites. From 2007 to 2009 the achievement gap for the majority still stayed the same. For example the minority students occupy the large ratio of the poverty student. In many of the lower income families, the student who usually spend much less money in tuition and some of them will still dont really care about how the education system goes. In situation like this many student have the much weaker academic competition than the students and devising nigh of them get the lower average in the standardizedtest scores. As a end they are arranged together in the lower level class. Unquestionably they sometime separate most of the white students where they cant share some of the knowledge with the other kids. Also according to the US Department of Education the event dropout rate is the percentage of high school student who dropped out between beginnings of one school year to the next.Lacking of the educational resource is the most common factor which produces the deflection on individual mogul between the minority and the white student. Both the family and the school play the meaty role in bear on the development the students ability. As a presence of the investigation, the children usually have the better IQ number in the good home environm ent. The difference of the individual ability between the minority student and the white student that makes the achievement gap increase. In today educational system, the student is separated from the different program and school according to their academic degree this is also the unequal treatment among the different races of students because it never creates the equal opportunity to the lower- GPA minority students. For example, many lower level class students are only taught to use the simple academic skill in class, and then their ability wont promote in the faster rate. In addition to their naturalistic interest are usually ignored due to the less education resource when they are distributed to them. As a vector sum the student wont have the good prospect in future even if they are educated. The teaching quality and the outcome of the educational resources that both of them have the direct relationship in affecting the achievement gap. Therefore we should make more efforts to improve the current educational system.The educational inequality is differentiating the affectionate class in America. In todays society, earning the college degree or accepting the higher education have become the foremost condition in finding the job. However, the educational inequality affects the occupational mastery of lot. The most obvious evidence is that the lower income workers have a lot of financial problem. In 2011 72% of African American student structure does affect their educational goal and expectation also they suppuration up in asingle parent homes on educational attainment and success. The government and the people have the responsibility and obligation to aid at the weak group of people. Most Hispanic who is immigrating to American only sees to themselves a high school diploma, where they think it a sufficient amount of schooling.In outline as the circumstances that is placed above, the development of the American economy depend upon the development of the American educational system, which has also the essential impact to peoples life. Therefore, the government should continually improve the rule of educational system. Creating more opportunities and distributing the more educational resources to the minority student no matter how their individual ability is.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Hard Times Essay
Hard Times opens with a appearance at a utile educational schema. The readers be introduced to a method of teaching that is centered precisely on facts and nothing else no imagination, and unnecessary information (Hard Times..2006). Schoolmaster Thomas Gradgrind fully supports the Utilitarian system, and has brought up his children Tom and Louisa ( and their siblings) in this way. Mr. Gradgrinds longtime pal Josiah Bounderby a factory owner is also an enthusiast of Utilitarianism (Hard Times..2006).Louisa Gradgrind is a miserable and misled girl, while his brother Tom is an unwholesome and ambitious materialization man (Hard Times..2006). When a carnival performers daughter, poove Jupe, enrolls at the Gradgrind School, she unsettles the people just abtaboo her by her interpretation of manners, which could be turned fanciful in contrast with the facts of Utilitarianism (Hard Times..2006). Sissys novice had outlasted his usefulness at the circus and ran away, deserting Sis sy. Mr. Gradgrind felt sorry for Sissy and hired her on as a servant (Hard Times..2006).One day, Messrs. Gradgrind and Bounderby informed Sissy that she had todecide between living a better breeding through obtaining education and leaving all her circus friends behind, or go with the circus (Hard Times..2006). Sissy chooses the former, because she k in the altogether that this is what her father wanted for her, and why he abandoned her. In the first chapter, we are also introduced to the people at the mill, who is represented by Stephen Blackpool who desired a divorce from his alcoholic married woman (Hard Times..2006).By the end of the first book, Mr. Grandgrind obtained Louisas consent to marry Mr. Bounderby (Hard Times..2006). In al-Quran one, Mr. monster established differences between fact and trance. There are no hidden metaphors in Mr. Dickens style of writing in Book One. The teachers name is Mchoackaumchild reminiscent of strangling childrens imaginations (Hard Times. .2006). Mr. Gradgrinds name symbolizes grinding of facts (Hard Times..2006).As time went by, Sissy Jupe becomes a member of the Gradgrind family, and provides a contrast to the lackluster Louisa, who has gotten married to Mr. Bounderby (Hard Times..2006). In the meantime, Tom tries his best to cash in ones chips his way up in life (Hard Times..2006). Tom makes friends with a dashing associate of Mr. Bounderby, named jam Harthouse, who develops an attraction for Louisa (Hard Times..2006). In due time, he confesses his passion forLouisa, who pass up his advances (Hard Times..2006). Mr. Harthouse asked Louis to elope with him, moreover again, Louisa turned him down(Hard Times..2006). Louisa returns to her father house and confronts his father about his pretentious way of educating her, and of depriving her of the real facts of life (Hard Times..2006).Meanwhile, Mr. Blackpool travels to Mr. Bounderbys place at the advise of his paramour, Rachel, and informs Mr. Bounderby that that h e is not joining the labor Federal due to its crooked boss, Mr. Stackbridge (Hard Times..2006). Mr. Bounderby accuses Blackpool of allegiance and fires him from his job, on the spot. Meanwhile, Tom tells Mr. Blackpool to wait for him outside a stick, for new about a job Tom could have for him. While waiting outside (with Mr. Bounderbys mother, Mrs. Pegler), a larceny occurs at the bevel (Hard Times..2006).Mr. Blackpool and Mrs. Pegler immediately become suspects. When Mr. Gradgrind and Tom find that Mr. Blackpool has fallen into a mineshaft, the latter divulges that it was Tom who made him wait outside the bank (Hard Times..2006). When Mrs. Pegler is found, she revealed that Mr. Bounderby is her son, and that all his stories of self-made victor were a sham. Mr. Bounderby is humiliated (Hard Times..2006).Mrs. Sparsit, a nosy woman running(a) in a bank who was snooping on Mr.Harthouse and Louisa decides to tell everything to Mr. Bounderby, who decided to give Louisa until 12 oclo ck the next dawn to spurn Mr. Harthouse once and for all, or the marriage is forfeited (Hard Times..2006). At the same time, Mr. Bounderby confesses to Mrs. Sparsit that she was aware of everything about Louisa and Mr. Harthouse, and of Louisas preserved honor, and how she went home to her fathers house in order to resist temptation. Mrs. Sparsit comes out in a bad light.Louisa and her father are both convinced that Tom was involved in the bank theft, and that he framed up Mr. Blackpool. Tom admits it, Sissy suggests that he hides with the circus, and his father finds a way to buck him away from shame on board a ship. Mr. Gradgrind is outraged by how Tom turned out to be, and felt the weight of Utilitarianism collapse on him. Mr. Gradgrind gives up his system, and accepted the circus philosophybecause of all the troubles that Utilitarianism has brought on their lives.Recurring Themes in Hard TimesFact vs FancyThe difference between fact and fancy is highlighted in the early pages o f the novel. The Gradgrind system embraced a life full of facts and science, and scorned the concept of an imaginative life. Because of this, the Gradgrind system choked the souls of their students little by little. It took a Sissyand her circus troupe to teach them that, in contrast, life cannot be devoted exclusively to labor, and that people have to be happy.FidelityFidelity touches on the conflicts in personal interests, honesty and faithfulness that happens all through out Hard Times. Messrs. Bounderby and Harthouse were consistently dishonest, while Louisa and Sissy were steadfastly truthful. In Louisas story, her fidelity is highlighted when she refused Mr. Harthouses advances make up though she has attracted to him, in spite of her animosity with her husband. Sissys fidelity is highlighted by her strong conviction that the day will come when her father will come back for her.EscapeThe theme of escape underscores the vast difference between the lives of the gamey and the p oor. In Mr. Blackpool, we see a man yearning to escape from his unhappy marriage but cannot even escape his dreams for serenity. Tom indulges in vices as escapes from his boring life. Louisa desires to escape from her fathers rigid system. Finally, Mr. Harthouse seeks escapes in adventures, easily escaping each time when his adventures lose their luster.Mr. Gradgrind represent the English ruling class during the Industrial Revolution. Mr. Bounderby symbolizes the Darwinist thinker that anyone canachieve success through hard work. This is very important because we find out ulterior in the novel that he is a fraud. Te description of Coketown represents what the Industrial Revolution does to people working but not living a meaningful life.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 closing case Ashford University BUS 650 Managerial Finance When should Bunyan Lumber, growth the forest? The bullion execute will grow at the inflation rate of 3. 7%. Utilizing the real change pass formula (1+R) =v (1+R)(1+H) 1. 10 = (1+R)(1. 037) R= 6. 08% The preservation funds are anticipated to grow drawn-out than the inflation rate. The return for the saving fund will be, (1+R) = (1+R) (1+H) 1. 10 = (1+R) (1. 032) R= 6. 5% The cash cling from the cut process is as follow, Cash flow from thinning = Acres thinned x cash flow per acre Cash flow from thinning = 7,500 ($1,200) Cash flow from thinning = $9,000,000Thinning beyond the initial thinning is conducted on a schedule and can be included. After tax comprise of the saving fund will be, After tax preservation fund cost = (1C. 35) ($250,000) After tax conservation fund cost = $162,500 For each analysis the cost and revenue are gross E (% of grudge )( glean per acre)( quantify of board game)(acres harvested ) (1C defect rate) Tractor cost = (Cost MBF)(MBF per acre)(acres) Road cost = (Cost MBF)(MBF per acre)(acres) Sale training and administration = (Cost MBF) (MBF acre) (acres) It is faux that there is no depreciation as a result of the harvest.This is an indicator that operating cash flow is equal to net income. The NPV of the thinning, the NPV of all future harvests, minus the present value ofthe conservation fund costs. Revenue $39,800,250 Tractor cost 7,200,000 Road 2,700,000 Sale preparation & admin 945,000 Excavator mound 1,200,000 Broadcast vehement 2,287,500 Site preparation 1162,500 put costs 1,800,000 EBIT $22,505,250 Taxes 7,876,838 Net income (OCF) $ 4,628,413 frontmost harvest after 20 long time PV First = $14,628,413/ (1+ . 0608)20 PV First = $4,496,956 Projection of thinning after 40 years 40-year project enkindle rate = (1+ . 0608)40 ? C1 0-year project amour rate = 958. 17% 40-year conservation interest rate = (1+ . 0659)40 ? C1 40-year conservation interest r ate =1,183. 87% benefaction value of future thinning on this schedule, which will be PV craw = ($ 14,628,413/9. 5817) / (1+ . 0608)20 PV Harvest = $469,325. 52 front value of conservation funds deposit PV Conservation = ? C$162,500 ? C$162,500/11. 8387 PV Conservation = ? C$176. 226. 22 Current value of conservation PV Conservation = ? C$176,226. 22/ (1+ . 0659)20 PV Conservation = ? C$49,182. 52 NPV of a 40-year harvest schedule is NPV = $4,496,956 + 939,286. 45 + 469,325. 52 ? C9,182. 52 NPV = $5,856,385. 9 45-year harvest schedule Revenue $55,462,853 Tractor cost $9,840,000 Road $3,690,000 Sale preparation & admin $1,291,500 Excavator piling $1,200,000 Broadcast burning $2,287,500 Site preparation $1,162,500 Planting costs $1,800,000 EBIT $34,191,353 Taxes $11,966,973 Net income (OCF) $22,224,379 The PV of the first harvest in 25 years is PV first = $22,224,379/ (1+ . 0608) 25PVFirst = $5, 087, 23 45 year interest rate 45-year project interest rate = (1+ . 0608)45 ? C1 45-year project interest rate =1,321. 11% 45 year interest rate for the conservation fund 45-year conservation interest rate = (1+ . 0659)45 ? C1 5-year conservation interest rate = 1,666. 38% PV of future thinning PV Thinning = $9,000,000/13. 111 PV Thinning = $681,246. 84 Utilizing the OCF of $22,024,504, the PV are as follow, PV Harvest = ($22,224,379/13. 21111) / (1+ . 0608)25 PV Harvest = $385,073. 30 The present value of these deposits is PV Conservation = ? C$162,500 ? C $162,500/16. 6638 PV Conservation = ? C$174,800. 29 NPV of a 45-year harvest schedule is NPV = $5,087,231+ 681. 246. 84 + 385,073. 30 ? C 35, 458, 26 NPV = $6, 1118,092. 40 50-year harvest schedule Revenue $64,610,783 Tractor cost $11,280,000 Road $4,230,000 Sale preparation & admin $1,480,500Excavator piling $1,200,000 Broadcast burning $2,287,500 Site preparation $1,162,500 Planting costs $1,800,000 EBIT $41,170,283 Taxes $14,409,599 Net income (OCF) $26,760,684 The PV of the first harvest in 30 years is PV First = $26,760,684/ (1+ . 0608)30 First = $4,561,202 The effective 50-year interest rate for the project is 50-year project interest rate = (1+ . 0608)50 ? C1 50 year project interest rate=1,808. 52% 50 year interest rate for the conservation funds 50-year conservation interest rate = (1+ . 0659)50 ? C1 50-year conservation interest rate = 2,330. 24% Present value of future thinning on this schedule, which will bePV Thinning = $9,000,000/18. 0852 PV Thinning = $497,644. 82 The operating cash flow from each harvest on the 50-year schedule is $26,531,559, so the present value of the cash flows from the harvest are PV Harvest = ($26,760,684/18. 0852 / (1+ . 0608)30 PV Harvest = $497,644. 82 Present value of the conservation fund deposits PV Conservation = ? C$162,500 ? C $162,500/23. 3024 PVConservation? C$171,485. 25 Todays conservation value PV Conservation = ? C$171,485. 25/ (1+ . 0659)30 PV Conservation = ? C$25,283. 50 NPV of a 50-year harvest schedule is NPV = $4,561,202 + 497,644. 82 + 252,206. 52 ? C 25,283. 0 NPV = $5,285,770. 21 55-year harvest schedule Revenue $72,972,113 Tractor cost $12,600,000 Road $4,725,000 Sale preparation & admin $1,653,750 Excavator piling $1,200,000 Broadcast burning $2,287,500 Site preparation $1,162,500 Planting costs$1,800,000 EBIT $47,543,363 Taxes $16,640,177 Net income (OCF) $30,903,186 First harvest in 35 years PV First =$30,903,186/ (1+ . 0608)35 PV First = $3,922,074 Thinning 55 years from today 55-year project interest rate = (1+ . 0608)55 ? C1 55-year project interest rate = 2,463. 10 55 year conservation fund 55-year conservation interest rate = (1+ . 0659)55 ? C1 5-year conservation interest rate = 3,243. 60% Present value of future thinning PV Thinning = $9,000,000/24. 6310 PV Thinning = $365,392. 74 Present values of the cash flows from the harvest are PV Harvest = ($30,903,186/24. 6310 / (1+ . 0608)35 PV Harvest = $159,233. 03 Present value of the conservation fund deposits PV Conservation = ? C$162,500 ? C $162,500 /32. 4360 PV Conservation = ? C$169,097. 37 Todays value of the conservation fund PV Conservation = ? C$169,097. 37/(1+ . 0659)35 PV Conservation = ? C$18,121. 00 NPV of a 55-year harvest schedule NPV = $3,922,074 + 365,392. 74 +159,233. 03 ? C18, 121. 00 NPV = $4,428,578. 40
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Prevent hospital-acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Dissertation
Prevent hospital-acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) - Dissertation ExampleIn this study a specific number of variables are studied. The data used in the quantitative research are establish on various measurements with the religious service of structured and validated data collection instruments. Quantitative study aims at identifying the statistical relationship between variables. This type of study is focused on a narrow electron lens and tailored for testing specific hypotheses. Statistical reporting with correlations, mean comparison and relying on statistical findings is the crux of quantitative research (Qualitative versus quantitative research, n.d.). The process of soft research is dedicated towards exploring issues, understanding the phenomenon of the topic of research. subsequently it aims at answering questions. The process of qualitative approach occurs in an everyday basis and takes place in and around every workplaces and study environment. For executing qualitative research, the approaches that are utilized are mainly abstract of unstructured data which includes open ended survey questions, literature reviews, audio recordings and searching of web pages and databases (What is qualitative research, n.d.). Among them literature review is an indispensable part in research and in nursing research it is of senior high school importance. Importance of literature review in nursing research A literature review squeeze out be referred to as a critical summary of research on a topic. It concentrates on the slipway in which the researchers address a topic. Literature review is a critical summary addressing various useful approaches of research. Literature review occurs in two preliminary parts . The first part is in making a search strategy and secondly identification of various kinds of resources that will suit the information inevitable for addressing the research question. Secondary sources are mainly preferred which inc lude books, reference books, journals, conference papers , governing body publications and so on(Performing a Literature Review, n.d.). In nursing, research carries much significance. In the recent years a majority part of them is reflected towards the changing perception of the nurses education. With research initiation the nurses have begin more prone to research and have found out ways in the improving the persona care provided to the patients. From the studies of Hungler in 1997, research allows the nurses in questioning their practice finding answers and thus applying them in their several(prenominal) areas. Literature review acts a way for making the current study into the context of what is known previously. From that the decisions associated with the detail type of tool application for the best outcome of the patients is known (The Importance of Research to Nursing, 2012). So in this paper the importance of literature review lies in the fact that they will be able to he lp us in exploring the ways of treating HA- MRSA and find out the most effective and optimal ways of trim back the spread of HA-MRSA. Critical Literature Review From the studies of Kyale in 1995 for the selection of proper methodology things like the utilization of validity, reliability and generalizability are questioned. Within the study of naturalistic dimension the the philosophy of reality validating friendship has been generally eliminated. There has been a generation of confusion regarding the association of rationalistic as well as naturalistic
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